Slam the Gavel

Melissa Toon Talks About The Corrupt Family Court Game And How To Play It

Melissa Toon Season 2 Episode 73
     Melissa Toon on Slam the Gavel is a survivor of domestic violence. She has a unique perspective due to an almost unbelievable personal experience in North Carolina and West Virginia that are  related to coercive control and family court corruption. Melissa discusses how law enforcement is used as a tool of abuse and child abuse. There are also frequent encounters with fraud, bias, and injustice within the Family Law system.
     She is also the creator of surviving post separation abuse and parenting in context of coercive control on Facebook and  Mamas in pursuit of happiness on YouTube. 
     A self represented litigant who has empowered herself by supporting others with continuously increasing knowledge, previously unknown to the average pro se litigant. 
    Melissa is also a mom who has been prevented from protecting her child while in the confines of the Family Court and Child protection systems. Formerly a Licensed Practical Nurse & Paralegal, she was sent to prison for her first offense as a result of acts of violence post separation from an abuser. 
     We discussed a wealth of information regarding the lack of integrity related to Family Law attorneys and judges, Constitutional and Civil Rights Violation in the Family Court arena as well as the rights of litigants.
     The heart-breaking traumatic emotional states of mothers, domestic violence victims forced to coparent with their abuser which is capitalized upon by Family Court actors who continue the conflict by granting access of children to the abuser was discussed and the standard silver bullet in the Family Court proceedings is to intentionally engage in defamation the mother's character.
     There are numerous legal remedies available to these litigants, including having a jury trial for custody cases-intentionally not being disclosed by Family Court actors.  Parents need to be aware of the Family Court judges who willfully instill fear in parents by threatening jail through gag orders as what happened to Melissa. She tells us what our response should be.

To reach Melissa Toon:
Facebook: Surviving Post Separation Abuse and Parenting in the Context of Coercive Control

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