Slam the Gavel

Patrick C. Beebe, PhD. From Michigan Talks About The Reality Of Parental Alienation

Patrick C. Beebe, PhD. Season 2 Episode 75

         Slam the Gavel welcomes Dr. Patrick C. Beebe , PhD. in General Psychology with an expertise in Parental Alienation.  He had studied and researched Parental Alienation since the early 1990's.
      Being a Navy Veteran, Dr. Beebe has  experienced this first hand and the devastating effects of what a High Conflict divorce  can do to a career, a new marriage/relationship,  a person's health and to one's self-worth.
     Dr. Beebe has become an expert in Parental Alienation in order to help others guide the choppy and rocky waters of this "Phenomenon," so they do not end up with the same results  that has been bestowed on himself in an unjust Family Court.
    Very quickly Dr. Beebe became knowledgeable about Parental Alienation, unfortunately in a courtroom prior to his PhD.  Parental Alienation affects all classes, races and socio-economic backgrounds and is a global issue. We discussed the signs that children will show during the initial stages of the alienation and  common signs of Parental Alienation that children will demonstrate toward a Targeted Parent.  The discovery of who is the manipulating parent and who is the Target Parent suffering through the alienation leads to the discussion of Personality Disorders.
    However, the suffering of the children is Emotional Child Abuse. As they grow into adulthood we speculated what could potentially can happen  in their own relationships and lives as they themselves endured the manipulation and alienation to the Target parent.

 To reach Dr. Beebe, PhD.:  269-830-3164

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