Slam the Gavel

Mark T. Andrews Tells It All On Parental Alienation, Fraud On The Court And What Can Be Done

Mark T. Andrews Season 2 Episode 80

     Slam the Gavel welcomes Mark T. Andrews as he walks us through his journey through Family Court, the loss of his children and fraud on the court.
     Mark is a father of two and part of the abusive Family Court Legal System. He is also a 13- year veteran and licensed officer of the court, known as a Process Server working for hundreds of lawyers, 15 investigators and three judges.
     Mark T. Andrews is also the man who submitted the Family Court Whistleblower Complaint to the Congress through Congressman Mark DeSaulnier and Ro Khanna. They then submitted it to the overbite and reform committee. This is NOW opening up talks regarding Family Court Reform.
    There was also a Federal Civil Rights Case Mark filed, 17-cv-00252.  Apparently, Federal Judge William Orrick, III (also the judge that handled the First Trump Travel Ban), ruled on his case that said judges have absolute immunity from suit even though VIOLATING your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
    Mark's case has spanned over 18 years. He has been in front of 15 judges, 3 commissioners, 73 hearings and hauled into court 11 times by warrant.
    He hasn't seen his kiddos for less than one months worth of hours. In all this time, his ex-wife has never once been held accountable for not showing up with the kids.
     The kids haven't been allowed to come over for visits in the summer, nor has their father been allowed to take his son to a football game. He has had to visit in a four block radius in a town called Sonoma. NO PARENT SHOULD HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS.
     Divorced since 2002, January 2004 was the last time his children came to his home.  Mark has last seen his kids together the first week of April 2008.  Finally, Mark last saw just his son for one hour in a therapist's office in 2012 costing $125.00/hour. Taken by FALSE ALLEGATIONS. Mark has lost a full two years of visitation.
    We discussed case law, laws transcripts that have been changed and what can be done in the future to hold those accountable that do not follow the law.

To Reach Mark: and cell number: 707-280-7425
Mark also runs I Am The Storm Podcast
Kids Matter--Fraud Upon The Court--Family Law Courts Are Corrupt on YouTube

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