Slam the Gavel

Mark T. Andrews Talks About Having A Slice Of The PTSD Pie

Maryann Season 2 Episode 93

    Slam the Gavel welcomes Mark T. Andrews back on the show to talk about the perils of PTSD when trapped in the Family Court System.  After going through Family Court system for 19 years and 73 hearings later,  Mark explains how he has suffered two heart attacks with a couple of stents and an open heart surgery. Every six years he has had a heart procedure.
    Anxiety is a player in all of this when a parent is thinking about what can happen next in the Family Court nightmare. We talked about sleep disturbances affecting our lives. REM sleep is very important to our bodies. Mark states, "we suffer and they make money."
    The courts keep creating income, not settling these cases via Legal Abuse Syndrome. The children are the ones that are suffering the most through this.  Mark didn't get to see his kids graduate nor get married. "Not knowing about your kids and not knowing if they are safe," Mark states, "adds to the PTSD." Mark hasn't heard from his daughter since 2008 nor his son. He is an erased father.  Missing milestones; your child getting taller, graduating from high school and getting married and not being able to be there further the affects of PTSD.
    None of us planned to go to law school after we got married.  No one counts on spouses changing. Personality Disorders should be addressed prior to marriage. The next generation is going to have to put their foot down to stop the buying and selling of human chattel in a courtroom.  Family Court goes on and on and on.
    We talked about fraud on the court and how long our own cases have lingered in the courts. The courts have incentive to chase a parent until it gets its money. Child Support for instance, that debt weighs on a person.  Debt also furthers PTSD. Everything snowballs into a heartbreaking disaster and the children are the ones that will have permanent emotional scars.
    All parents just want their children to be happy and that they don't have to go through this Family Court nightmare in their lives.

To Reach Mark: and cell number: 707-280-7425
Mark also runs I Am The Storm Podcast

Kids Matter--Fraud Upon The Court--Family Law Courts Are Corrupt on YouTube

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