Slam the Gavel
Slam the Gavel
Christine Morrison talks about the predatory system and abuse of power by the judiciary
Christine Morrison, book author of, "Judicial Criminals: The greatest fraud upon American society America's Legal System," on the show to discuss her case, reparation bills, predator judges, their judiciaries and color of law actors. Christine explains how all this unfolded for her and the damage it did to her child and livelihood.
We discuss the case Foster vs. Foster and how financial, physical and mental distress is caused through the rigors of the Family Court System. Family Court is not about the best interest of your child and causes the greatest fraud on the Non-Custodial parent.
There has to be accountability for judges and attorneys within the court/Family Court system. Christine spoke of her legal battle in the state of Michigan
Christine discussed her website: www.judicialcriminal.com which has a plethora of legal knowledge to be absorbed.
Book Link: JUDICIAL CRIMINALS The greatest fraud upon American society America's Legal System and can be found on Amazon.com:Books
Music by: Richard Provost mictechmusic.com