Slam the Gavel
Slam the Gavel
Bjorn Cedervall, Ph.D., M.Sc., from Sweden talks about Parental Alienation, the problem with Social Services and the Legal System
Bjorn Cedervall, Ph.D., M.Sc., is an associate professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Karolinska Institute , Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Cedervall has worked as a scientist and an educator in the field of medicine at several universities and also as a specialist in the nuclear power industry.
He became aware of Parental Alienation following the divorce of a relative, which escalated to a nightmare very quickly. This prompted him to study scientific papers on a wide range of topics relating to Parental Alienation as well as aspects of the child protection system.
As Dr. Cedervall is partly retired, he is now committed to increase the awareness of Parental Alienation in Sweden.
Dr. Cedervall discussed manipulation and emotional abuse a child goes through by an alienating parent, gaslighting and its definition and how children are recruited to spy on a Target Parent. Personality Disorders were brought to attention as well, explains the Cluster B Personality Disorders such as Narcissism, Borderline PD, Antisocial PD and Histrionic PD. The alienating parent is an expert in lying and manipulation to everyone around them.
Social Services misses so many red flags because they don't understand what Parental Alienation is and they are not competent to deal with it. Social Services fulfills many roles such as teachers, psychologists and judge though they are not trained in neither. The power that they hold is tremendous and when parents know the laws, Social Services will want to take away the child in revenge.
Two references to be noted are Dr. Amy Baker and Jennifer Jill Harman, PhD.
Such a thorough discussion on Slam the Gavel, surely not to be missed.
To reach Dr. Cedervall: Om ompa.se.
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