Business of Endurance

Swim for Tri with Dan Bullock

Charlie Reading / Dan Bullock Season 2 Episode 27
Dan Bullock was an accomplished swimmer and triathlete - as 2008 National Masters Openwater Champion and Former British AG Record Holder for 800m, he now spends his time running Swim for Tri, the swim improvement specialists. Dan knows triathlon inside out, and particularly how to improve the swim leg.

I got the chance to chat to him about how we can improve our technique, how we can swim better in tricky open water conditions, swim training during lockdown, the difficulty of being a good runner and swimmer and how podcasting helped get him and his clients through lockdown.

Check out the
TRIBEathlon Instagram Page for a chance to win a set of Swim For Tri's unique training bottles!

This episode was sponsored by Precision Hydration

This episode was sponsored by The Trusted Team and 4th Discipline