Motivate Coaching
Join Harlow (Golden Retriever) and I on our daily hikes exploring how you can live your life better, and achieve the future you truly desire.Your happiness is about living life your way, it is knowing your values and finding ways to make a living from them. It is about you and your life, living it in ways that make sense to you and feeling both empowered and motivated to live it fully. Happiness is a place to come from, it is the foundation you stand on, and build up from there. It is up to you to find YOUR happiness, I am here to help you along the way - let's find yours together. It's what I do.
Motivate Coaching
EP021: The Self-Coaching Model
Stuart, CEO, Co-Founder & Master of Happiness
Season 1
Episode 21
Not all of us are ready to press the 'go' button on getting some coaching, and that is alright. I want to help you none the less and this model helps you look at things you want to achieve and bring them more into reality. It not only gives you a snap shot into how coaching can help you get there, it also shares with you a structure that you can look to implement to get there yourself. It is tougher doing it alone, however if you do find any level of success when you truly implement and stick to the framework, then please come to me, book a session and let's take it, and you to the life you not only desire but you truly deserve, Exciting stuff hey! I look forward very much to talking with you.