Dr. Apples ®

4 - FOLKLORE: At home w/the Simples; What could go wrong in this Folklore?

Lacye A. Brown Season 1 Episode 4

Step into the schoolroom with Dr. Apples as childhood curiosity meets mystical mischief in this electrifying episode! When Dr. Apples brings a special item to class, he hopes to impress his peers and reveal a side of himself that's usually hidden. But not all surprises are welcomed, and not all secrets are safe to share.

 Witness as a simple school assignment unfolds into a series of unexpected reactions, teaching young Dr. Apples a valuable lesson about acceptance and the power of being different. With his mother’s mystical guidance, he embarks on a journey that promises to expand his horizons far beyond the classroom walls.

 Are you ready to discover what Dr. Apples brought that turned heads and sparked whispers? Tune in and join the adventure where every misfit has a mystery, and every lesson comes with a hint of magic. Don’t miss this spellbinding tale of intrigue and identity in the world of Dr. Apples!

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4 - FOLKLORE: At home w/the Simples; What could go wrong in this Folklore?


[00:00:06.19] - Dr. Apples

Hey, welcome. You're listening to the podcast, Dr. Apples. The fun fictional fantasy folklore about me. All about Dr. Apples.


[00:00:20.03] - Lacie

What are you doing?


[00:00:22.01] - Dr. Apples

I'm podcasting.


[00:00:23.58] - Lacie

No, you're not.


[00:00:24.46] - Dr. Apples



[00:00:26.19] - Lacie

No, you're not.


[00:00:27.20] - Dr. Apples



[00:00:28.44] - Lacie



[00:00:29.41] - Dr. Apples



[00:00:30.50] - Lacie



[00:00:31.39] - Dr. Apples



[00:00:33.01] - Lacie

No. You're not.


[00:00:33.56] - Dr. Apples

Oh, yes, I am.


[00:00:35.50] - Lacie

No. No.


[00:00:36.49] - Dr. Apples



[00:00:37.16] - Lacie

Give it. You give it. You give it. Give it. Give it.


[00:00:41.14] - Dr. Apples

Fine, you podcast then. I'll go check on my charcoal ice cream.


[00:00:49.51] - Lacie

Enjoy the show.



[00:00:52.23] - Lacie

Although bewildered, Dr. Apples managed to leave Eugene's home shortly after without a scene. The Simples didn't question his abrupt departure. They were content he socialized.


[00:01:00.35] - Eugene



[00:01:03.35] - Ms. Hardy

Come back tomorraw’


[00:01:04.46] - Lacie

Ms. Hardy wiped the mixture onto her dress as she grabbed the doorknob.


[00:01:09.34] - Ms. Hardy

Yall, get your hands out of my pie!


[00:01:12.22] - Lacie

Once she closed the front door, he bolted home in a panic, spitting everything out of his mouth, the taste. If it felt like anything other than his teeth and tongue, he scraped it with his little nails. The taste of blood was welcome. Anything to remove the memory from his senses. Like a madman, he darted towards his mother and began explaining what happened. He barely inhaled. He was so serious explaining what transpired. The tears began to form in his eyes when he spoke about the finger to nose portion. His mother didn't dare hint towards a snicker or change her facial expression. She actually didn't hear the entire story. Dialog began to chatter in her mind. She was concerned she may have traumatized her child.


[00:01:57.34] – Ms. BaRule

I wonder if I've traumatized him.


[00:01:59.14] - Lacie

Her eyes were wide and brows remain risen in surprise. Once his story was finished, there was a long and silent pause.


[00:02:05.44] - Kid Dr. Apples

And then I couldn't believe it. And then I wanted to cry. It was awful.


[00:02:10.56] - Lacie

Dr. Apples unclenched his fist and marched to the washroom to clean himself up. She never asked him to socialize again. Dr. Apples viewed people in this world as simple, and the world kept giving him justification to this belief, just simple. To just be in this world was too boring for him. This pestilence couldn't be all there is to existing. Rhetorical ponder arose consistently in his mind from observing the locals. And imagine, they had the nerve to repopulate to populate?


[00:02:47.56] – Kid Dr. Apples

It's a waste to invade the mind with such thoughts. This isn't all there is in existence. Just this world? There couldn't be.


[00:02:59.43] - Lacie

But where's your proof, young Dr. Apples? What makes your hasty generalization so accurate? He wanted to see firsthand what else existed beyond this world. But how? Knowledge will give you the answers you seek. Dr. Apples attended school when he was 11 years old. Back then, children of various ages would be in the same room, 30 to 50 kids with one educator. His mother educated him, but she thought learning from others would make him more well rounded for life. School became an experience to prove his judgmental theories. He was a loaner in class, often drawing while the teacher spoke about what he already knew. One afternoon, the teacher wanted the children to get familiar with each other. She told them to bring something special to show the class. He took his attention from writing.


[00:04:00.20] - Kid Dr. Apples



[00:04:01.29] - Lacie

His eyes glinted. Finally, he would get to showcase one of his prized possessions. The children were chatty about what they were going to bring. Dr. Apples took this assignment personally. They needed to understand who he truly is beyond the wise, well-dressed, annoyed kid. The next day, he sat up straight in his chair. He made sure to pay attention to the other children's items. He was surprised at the commonalities he had with few children and how many kids had piggy banks as well. Nice. His turn. It was his time. Yes! He hid the item in his pocket until it was his turn to present. He was concerned all day it would stretch his pants pocket, but it didn't. Standing in front of the classroom, he proudly smiled and lifted his item as high as his little arms could reach. Any higher and it would have reached the ceiling.


[00:05:02.58] - Lacie

A collection of gas made for one loud one. It sounded as if someone sucked the oxygen out of the room. The kids in the back couldn't see. The ones in the back raised their necks like ground hogs. Whispers began to follow, and then gas came from the back randomly.


[00:05:26.53] Mean Kid 1

Why would he bring that?


[00:05:28.53] - Lacie

Dr. Apple's hand then slowly went down. It felt like forever.


[00:05:33.31]  Mean Kid 2

Eew, I can't believe he brought that. You know his mom is weird.


[00:05:35.02] - Lacie

His back slumped as he had failed and blew out disappointment. The hoodoo doll slept against his thigh. The fearful teacher was quiet and did nothing to control the judgments.


[00:05:47.09] - Mean Kid 3

It's evil.


[00:05:48.12] - Lacie

He didn't have time to explain the importance of his effigy doll, how all dolls like these aren't bad, and how this one gave him good dreams, which the other kids could also have by making one for themselves, as he did. It took him all summer to make his doll, but they didn't want to understand.


[00:06:08.16] - Kid Dr. Apples

[French] ils sont stupides. Ignorant. You, your mama, your cousins, all of them.


[00:06:17.08] - Lacie

Hold those tears, Dr. Apples. They didn't care. They made up their minds.


[00:06:24.22] - Mean Kid 4

I don't like him.


[00:06:25.47] - Lacie

They didn't want to get to know him. He crushed a doll in his fist. His head, way more than usual, as it drooped. Dr. Apples grabbed his hat and walked out of the room to go home. No one stopped him. It didn't matter anyway. He wasn't learning anything. Once he arrived home, he told his mom what transpired. This time she heard the entire story.


[00:06:51.19] - Kid Dr. Apples

Mommy, they made fun of me.


[00:06:54.26] - Lacie

She grabbed two wooden chairs and placed them across each other in the kitchen. She sat gracefully and he followed suit. The intensity in her brown eyes was something he had never seen before.


[00:07:05.49] - Ms. BaRule

El's so stupid. I will teach you everything I know and more. No need to ever be sad. I'm here, pum.


[00:07:15.26] - Lacie

He smiled. She stood up to check on the stew in the kitchen.


[00:07:19.20] - Ms. BaRule

You couldn't learn too much from them anyway. We'll start after lunch.


[00:07:25.14] - Lacie

She gave him a wink and a smile as she walked away. That day began intense lessons, discussions and lectures on all topics Ms. BaRule could phantom. Dr. Apple's desire for knowledge intensified the more he learned. And this gave him a sense of purpose. He knew he was closer to figuring out what's beyond this planet. Intellectual, emotional, and religious information became interesting topics, but he was never satiated with what he found out.


[00:07:55.04] - Kid Dr. Apples

I didn't know that.


[00:07:56.20] - Lacie

Religion no longer intrigued him after a while. He educated and applied himself in these matters, but practicing any beliefs under anyone else's terms where he didn't feel he was progressing never piqued an interest in him. He believed topics like religion were a necessary evil. He just didn't want to dance with them. See, you'll soon understand that many of his actions, which lead to his wealth of knowledge and his talents, derived from curiosity, sheer boredom, and lack of patience.


[00:08:25.33] - Lacie

Men. Now, not to get off topic, but Dr. Apples has always been lovable in his own way. I mean, I can't think of any examples right now, but he's a great mix of shadow and light, in my opinion. He's wise beyond his age. Even though he's old as dirt. He has a fascination with the bridge between dimensions and tends to get carried away sometimes. He's never felt like he belonged on this planet. When he is present, though, he is a charming soul indeed. And you wouldn't know it, but Dr. Apples enjoys spending time with children on the weekend.


[00:09:02.30] - Kids

Hey, Dr. Apples.


[00:09:03.32] - Lacie

I know, right? He enjoys teaching them about metaphysical protection, boundaries, and canning fruits.


[00:09:09.55] - Kid 1



[00:09:10.35] - Dr. Apples

Good. Good.


[00:09:12.39] - Kid 2

How's your piggy bank?


[00:09:14.07] - Dr. Apples

My piggy bank is doing fine. Thanks for asking. How about yours?


[00:09:18.58] - Kid 3



[00:09:20.05] - Dr. Apples

Remember, protection spells are very important. Finances are very important. Canning fruits are very important.


[00:09:28.26] - Kids



[00:09:28.26] - Lacie

When they tell him about bad dreams and the bogeyman.


[00:09:32.45] - Kid 2

Dr. Apples, I had a bad dream.


[00:09:36.10] - Dr. Apples

What? A bad dream?


[00:09:39.18] - Lacie

He tells them.


[00:09:41.20] - Dr. Apples

I'll get into your dreams and destroy that bogeyman. Don't worry. You'll never hear from him again.


[00:09:50.02] - Lacie

And they usually don't.


[00:09:51.37] - Kids



[00:09:51.37] - Lacie

He gives some of the children effigy dolls that look like him to protect them while they sleep.



Thanks, Dr. Apples.


[00:09:58.49] - Lacie

See, he's capable of good. Sometimes you have to remember the good traits in people. You know? Remember, remember. Oh f**k. I forgot to order his vegan cheese biscuits. Oh, he's going to hex me. One moment. Do I have a great job or what?




[00:10:24.34] - Dr. Apples

Our adventure pauses here for now, but there's so much more to explore with Dr. Apples.

[00:10:31.42] - Lacie

Keep the journey alive. Click subscribe, and you won't miss a beat.

[00:10:36.51] - Dr. Apples

Visit www.drapples.com, where the tale continues to unfold. See you in the next episode.

[00:10:45.52] - Lacie

Keep those apples crisp, everyone.

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Lacye A. Brown