
Welcome to HerCanvas!

Jedidah Karanja Season 1 Episode 1

How do women and girls achieve the safety and stability we so rightly deserve?

  1. How do we get the respect that is long overdue?
  2. How do we get our voices heard?
  3. How do we finally get treated fairly and gain access to opportunities afforded to everyone else?
  4. How do we obtain the resources to help us live a healthier lifestyle?

Join host, Jedidah Karanja, as she continues her women's advocacy journey through this podcast. She will discuss these questions and explore the strategies women and girls need to put in place to help us achieve a better world for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

She hopes you come away from this podcast with the information and tools you need to change and enhance your life; advocate for yourself and other women; speak up and seek help on issues of abuse; vote qualified women into leadership and positions of power and influence to gain a seat at the table; stretch yourself, even on the things you think you're not ready for; and lastly, dream and execute!

Subscribe to HerCanvas today to get your answers to the questions that matter most to you, and ultimately, find the inspiration to live your best life. 

Hey Everyone! 

Welcome to HerCanvas, a podcast where we inspire you to live your best life by discussing topics that matter most to you. 

 I’m your host Jedidah Karanja, the founder of gapmuse, a lifestyle blog that educates, inspires, and empowers women across the globe. I’m also the founder of gapmuseWomen, a Facebook community that provides a safe space for women to connect, collaborate, engage, and thrive together in the spirit of sisterhood. I created this podcast as an extension of my blog and our Facebook community to give women another platform to hear thought-provoking and empowering conversations about our experiences.

We all know we cannot control or plan for all the things that happen in our lives but we can influence their outcomes by putting the right strategies in place and making the right choices.

 Our mission is to help you: 

  • Find the inspiration to live your best life 
  • Stay informed on women’s stories and issues, such as abuse, sexism, inequality, and the intersections of gender and racial justice 
  • Make the right lifestyle choices when it comes to your health, fashion, beauty, and overall well being
  • Manage your personal finances effectively so you can achieve financial independence  

 No matter your age or background, we’ve got you covered! 

 We’ll be sharing perspectives from women of different backgrounds and generations, and inviting exciting guests to join us in our conversations along the way.  

 Tune in to our podcast on Wednesdays. You can find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Google Podcasts, and Pandora. 

 So what are you waiting for? Come along with us to discover the things you need to live your best life!