
How to Stay Positive & Motivated During COVID19 [Perspectives from 2 Generations of Women]

October 21, 2020 Jedidah Karanja Season 1 Episode 3

1) When are we going back to work?
2) When are we going back to school?
3) When will I ever get to see my friends?
4) When I'm I  going to hang out with my loved ones?

It doesn't matter how old you are.  Chances are you've asked some form of a "when are things going to get back to normal" question!  To say that COVID19 has disrupted our lives is an understatement.  Our level of stress is at an all-time high and many of us are suffering from heightened levels of anxiety and sadness.

Sadly, some of us have been impacted more than others, especially, women, people of color, low-income families, and children.  So how do we cope?   In this episode, I am joined by two young ladies who share their perspective on what they're doing to cope with this pandemic and the new normal of quarantine life.

Often times you hear about the pandemic's impact on young people but they're rarely given a voice to share how they really feel.  This is our opportunity to give them that voice.

Hope you come away with a fresh perspective on how you too can stay positive and motivated during these trying times.

Subscribe to HerCanvas today to get your answers to the questions that matter most to you, and ultimately, find the inspiration to live your best life.

  • When are we going back to work?
  • When are we going back to school?
  • When will I ever get to see my friends?

These are some of the questions running through our minds as we try to navigate our new normal of living with COVID19. There are many more uncertainties in our lives from this pandemic.

It’s no wonder our level of stress is at an all-time high. According to a recently released study by the Commonwealth Fund, 33% of U.S. adults say they’ve experienced high levels of stress, anxiety, and sadness during the pandemic. Sadly, these high levels of stress are not unique to the U.S. and can be felt in varying degrees across the world. 

The pandemic has been especially difficult for women who are trying to balance the responsibilities of work and childcare. It has also been challenging for children who are dealing with feelings of loneliness due to isolation from friends and regular activities. 

So how do we cope?

Welcome to HerCanvas! Our podcast where we discuss the topics that matter most to women and help us find the inspiration to live our best lives. I’m your host, Jedidah Karanja. 

Today I am joined by two special guests that are near and dear to my heart, my daughters. We’ll be talking about the impact that COVID19 has had on our lives and what we’re doing to stay positive and motivated.

We hope our conversation will give you the inspiration to help you cope with this new normal.

Welcome to the show, girls. Let’s start with you both introducing yourselves. (They introduce themselves and share their age and grades.)

Okay, Let’s dive into our conversation. 

I want to  start by asking this question because I believe it’s one that we can all relate to: 

  1. What’s been the most challenging thing or things about living in quarantine?
  2. What do you miss most? 
  3. How have you adjusted to help you cope, keep you positive and motivated?
  4. What new habits have you acquired?
  5. What have you learned about yourself that you didn’t know before? 
  6. What are you looking forward to the most when the shelter in place ends? 

Thank you both for joining us and sharing your experiences during this trying time. Also, can I just give these girls a shout out for helping me develop this podcast?  Wandii illustrated the artwork while Kasiva helped with music for the podcast. It was truly a team effort and I’m super grateful to you both. 

Oftentimes we hear about COVID’s impact on young people but rarely hear about their experiences with the pandemic directly from them. We definitely learned a lot from both of you and appreciate you giving your generation a voice. 

That’s all for our show today. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Pandora.