Fr Rob Galea Homilies
Join Fr Rob as he passionately reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings, and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today.
247 episodes
Remain Faithful With Trust
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 5th Sunday In OTGospel: Luke 5:1-11

Reach Out And Pray
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. The Presentation Of The LordGospel: Luke 2:22-32

Explore Your Bible
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 3rd Sunday In OTLuke 1:1-4,4:14-21

Surrender Your Ordinary
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 2nd Sunday In OTJohn 2:1-11

Jesus Is Born!
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. Christmas Day John 1:1-5,9-14

Are You Excited About The Gospel?
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 4th Sunday Of Advent Luke 1:39-45

God Always Exceeds Our Expectations
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 3rd Sunday Of AdventGospel: Luke 3:10-18

Repent! Ask For Forgiveness
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 2nd Sunday Of AdventGospel: Luke 3:1-6

Stay Awake Using The 3 P's
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 1st Sunday Of AdventGospel: Luke 21:25-28,34-36

Christ The King Celebration
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. Christ The KingGospel: John 18:33-37

Be Intentional
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 13:24-32

What Are You Giving That Is Costing You Something?
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 32nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 12:41-44

Through Surrendering, We Are Purified!
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 31st Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 12:28-34

Be Free, Break The Generational Curse!
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 30th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 19:46-52

You Are A Missionary Disciple
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 29th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 10:42-45

Lord, Give Me Wisdom!
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 28th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 10:17-27

The Covenant Of Marriage
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 27th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 10:2-12

Don’t Let Wealth Distract You
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 26th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48

Lead Like Jesus
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 25th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 9:30-37

Grow Up!
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 24th Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 8:27-35

Invite Him In
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 23rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 7:31-37

Overcome Your Thoughts
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 22nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23

Hold On Through Doubt
Join Fr Rob as he reflects on the Sunday Gospel readings and how we can apply these reflections to our lives today. 21st Sunday in Ordinary TimeGospel: John 6:60-69