Loulabelle’s FrancoFiles
Loulabelle’s FrancoFiles
Molly of Versailles, "Let them eat cake!"
Texan native Molly Wilkinson moved to France to follow her dream of French pastry cooking and baking a number of years ago and since then has met her fiancé, moved to Versailles and now has an amazing business bringing the opportunity to all of us to cook like a French pastry chef, with her online French pastry cooking school.
Molly is so down to earth, patient and accessible. Perfect attributes for a teacher! She has a fabulous cooking space in Versailles which is where all the magic happens online, but also in person for anyone heading to the town.
Recently there is another exciting project that Molly is now sharing with us all. Molly has collaborated with author Mandie Davis and illustrator Pete Williamson and the result is a kids' book that is bright, colourful and fun, as it tells the story of Molly in Versailles! As well as having some of Molly's recipes in the book, it is a way to open up iconic places like Versailles to children. Often the story of historic places can be a bit dry and fact heavy, but this gets kids interested in history by making it fun and accessible.
Louise Prichard is the host of the Loulabelle's FrancoFiles podcast.
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