Follow Your h-ART Artwork

Follow Your h-ART

Follow Your h-ART, a podcast from the curators of Art in the Library, the Sheppard Library, Middlesex University London. Listen to the voices behind the artwork, currently exhibited at the Sheppard Library, Middlesex University. Mini interviews with the painters, illustrators, photographers, designers whose artistry are on display, all graduates from the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries, here at Middlesex University, London! Prepare yourself for an explosion of emotion right here, because in addition, music has been composed specifically for each artwork by Music graduates from our 2020 cohort. So please do Follow and Share; Subscribe, Rate and Review. Out every two weeks from Mon 18 Jan 2021! Our Art in the Library homepage: Why not join in the conversation #followyourh_art

Follow Your h-ART

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