The Crossing Gate. Model railroad discussion.

Episode #36 - Resin Car Kits for everyone.

July 22, 2022 Thomas Gasior

This episode, we dive into the world of Resin Car Kits. We invited fellow TCD member and Master Model Railroader Lester Breuer to answer our many questions about these unique kits. So if you are thinking of trying a resin kit, or an old veteran in prototype-specific specific rolling stock, take a listen. We discuss many tips and ideas as well as tools and adhesives. Lester and Joe created hundreds of these kits and shared their expertise during this discussion.
Lester's Blog address.

Crew members are Joe Binish, Lester Breuer MMR, Ken Zieska and hosted by Thomas Gasior MMR.
Our sponsor for this episode is the Tunnel, the same size as the mountain scenery.

The TCD and Crossing Gate crew also take a moment to remember our friend Craig Bisgeier.