Local to Legend

26 - How this Lawyer is Using Personal Branding to Become a Top Attorney in His State

Emily Steele

Today’s guest is one of my friends and fellow DSM enthusiast, Tyler Coe! Tyler is a divorce lawyer in the Des Moines area who has poured time and energy into crafting a strong personal brand that has helped him to grow a robust client base and increase the impact he’s been able to make in the community.

When you own a service-based business, YOU are the biggest differentiator in your business, and it’s ultimately what sets you apart from others in your industry and market. Tyler does an excellent job of creating little touchpoints and connections with his audience on a daily basis to build trust and relationships. From sending out Valentine’s Day cards to injecting humor into what can potentially be dry or sensitive legal topics, Tyler is an expert at attracting and retaining new customers and connections.

In this episode, Tyler and Emily dive deeper into the world of personal branding and how vital it can be to grow a loyal customer base by simply showing up as your authentic self! They chat through how personal branding began to grow Tyler’s business in just six months and how he became one of the top viewed profiles on his law firm’s site at age 32!

Tune in for topics like:

  • How a personal branding class opened up Tyler's world
  • What Tyler started doing to attract new clients
  • Why tracking your referrals is so important
  • Intentional snail mail 
  • Tips to grow your audience

Links from the episode: 

  • Please Pass the Love website (mental health nonprofit in Iowa)
  • Tyler Coe Instagram
  • Tyler Coe website
  • FREE training to help your brand become a beloved business in your community without an expensive or time consuming marketing strategy
  • Email marketing mini training to learn how to launch your email list (free!) 
  • Follow me (Emily Steele) (Love Local) on Instagram for a little business + a little life, and a whole lot of positive energy!