Local to Legend

27 - How a Spiritual Awakening Turned This Documentarian Into a Manifestation Coach

Emily Steele

Today’s guest is Vanessa McNeal, a certified manifestation coach, national speaker, and documentary filmmaker. She and Emily chat about how much her life has changed in just a year and why making the switch to manifestation coach was the most aligned decision she’s ever made.

Emily first met Vanessa through her documentary, Gridshock, a poignant expose on the sex trafficking industry. But Vanessa has since blossomed into a role as a coach, guiding people across the country on how to be in alignment with their authentic selves to manifest the life of their wildest dreams.

They chat about Vanessa’s journey to finally discovering who she was, aside from the things she did. They dive into manifestation and how powerful it can be to utilize as a business owner. Money limiting thoughts are also on the table as Emily and Vanessa turn commonly held beliefs on their head.

This episode will make you break open wide the doors to possibilities you hadn’t let yourself dream of before. Press play.

Tune in for topics like:

  • Why Vanessa made the switch from documentarian + speaker to manifestation coach
  • Why it’s important to separate yourself from what you do
  • How Vanessa went from investing $12,000 to up level her skills to making that back threefold in 30 days
  • A breakdown of manifestation and how it can change your life
  • Creating visibility for your coaching business
  • Why rest is trust

Links from the episode: 

  • Vanessa McNeal website
  • Vanessa McNeal Instagram
  • Magnetic Manifestation Academy application
  • FREE training to help your brand become a beloved business in your community without an expensive or time consuming marketing strategy
  • Email marketing mini training to learn how to launch your email list (free!) 
  • Follow me (Emily Steele) (Love Local) on Instagram for a little business + a little life, and a whole lot of positive energy!