Local to Legend

42 - Creating Messaging that Resonates with StoryBrand Guide & Illuminated Co-Owner, Katelyn Soults

Emily Steele

In this week’s episode of Local to Legend, Emily chats with Katelyn Soults, co-owner of Illuminated, an agency assisting small business owners, and a certified StoryBrand Guide. Emily & Katelyn are both fans of Donald Miller’s StoryBrand framework and join today to talk more about how business owners can come alongside their customers with their messaging to illustrate how their products or service offerings can solve pain points and fulfill a need. 

Katelyn talks about how to extract yourself from your content some of the time and make your customers the focus. She explains why it’s important to dig deeper into your target audience to discover the problem you’re solving rather than the features or benefits of your product or service. Emily and Katelyn talk through creating content and key things to remember that can help you create pillar pieces that you can continuously add value to or pull from in your business.

Tune in for topics like:

  • Donald Miller’s StoryBrand Framework
  • Difference between being the hero of your business vs. the guide
  • The amount of time you have to make a first impression
  • Why you should focus on clarity rather than cleverness
  • Essential pieces for the top section of your website
  • Why you don’t need to be on every channel

Links from the episode:

Follow me (Emily Steele) (Love Local) on Instagram for a little business + a little life, and a whole lot of positive energy!