How To Stay Calm Through The Most Wretched of Challenges and Build a Multi-Million Pound Business - Renée Elliott, founder PLANET ORGANIC

Dan Pope

“It was a frightening, exhausting experience – and I wouldn’t wish it on

Her co-founder tried to kick her out of the business after 2 years of trading,
resulting in 14 months of litigation and a 10-day court case.

Recording this podcast was INTENSE.

My stomach was in knots, sweat gushed down my brow, palms felt like they’d been
dunked in Vaseline. 

When we stopped recording.

All worry and concern relinquished, equanimity permeated my body.

A feeling clung, a feeling that I could achieve LITERALLY anything.

Renée Elliot, founder of Planet Organic is the latest guest on HUNGRY.

It’s a bamboozingly good episode - providing a toolkit to persevere through
colossal challenges.


1. “Trust your gut and believe you can do ANYTHING” 

2. Why founders must constantly STOP. CHECK-IN. MAKE BETTER DECISIONS.

3. The 6 Spheres of Wellbeing- physical, occupational, psychological,
economic, social, and spiritual.

4. How your role as a founder changes as your business scales - Ditch what you
hate. Implement systems. 

5. How Spirituality informs Successful Strategy - The marriage of Being and

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