How Mums Working for Challenger Brands Can Balance Kids and Work Whilst Keeping Their Sanity - Stephanie Drax, founder Leap Frog

Dan Pope Episode 27

Are you a Mum working for a challenger food and drink brand? Eyeballs bulging with stress? 

Juggling Kids, Work, Sanity? 

The gnawing guilt of checking emails whilst your kids play Lego.  

“Mental Jujitsu” sound familiar?  

 Don’t worry you’re not alone!  

My hat goes off to all Mums’ working in Challenger Food & Drink. It’s INTENSE.  

That's why I was thrilled to interview Stephanie Drax for the latest episode of HUNGRY. 

Stephanie is founder of LeapFrog.  

LeapFrog is a supplement brand that’s using radical research to prevent colds using Lacotopherin. 

She's also a full-time Mum to Mylo and Noah. 

Whilst having a previous career as an actress, a writer for Vanity Fair, Sunday Telegraph and the FT. 

Our conversation linchpins around “Mental Jujitsu” of balancing kids, work and sanity.   

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