Rivercrest Presbyterian Church - Sermons
This is the sermon podcast of Rivercrest Presbyterian Church in Lexington, South Carolina. Rivercrest is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
370 episodes
A Certain Hope | Welcome to the Kingdom | Luke 4:38-44
Jesus rebukes fevers and demons in His public ministry. His authority as the Son of God is unmatched. People with various diseases are coming to Him and everyone of them is healed. Though He is serving, healing, giving, and blessing all of thes...

A Certain Hope | A Holy Authority | Luke 4:31-37 | February 2, 2025
Jesus continues His ministry by teaching in the synagogue of Capernaum. A demon-possessed man interrupts His teaching, but Jesus calmly rebukes and casts the demon out. Through holy authority, righteousness, and reverberation Jesus is bringing ...

A Certain Hope | The Rejected Savior | Luke 4:14-30 | January 26, 2025
After being tempted in the wilderness, Jesus returns to Nazareth to proclaim the gospel in His hometown. At first the people marvel at Him and anticipate what He will do as His fame has grown. But Jesus, after reading Isaiah in the synago...

A Certain Hope | Trust Over Temptation | Luke 4:1-13 | January 19, 2025
Jesus enters into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for 40 days. While anyone else would have failed, Jesus never gave in to the lies and schemes of Satan. Being well prepared and in full trust of the Word of God and His Heavenly Father...

A Certain Hope | The Line that Leads to Life | Luke 3:23-38 | January 12, 2025
Luke provides a genealogy of Jesus just as He begins His earthly ministry. From the line of David and Abraham, Jesus fits the requirements of being the Messiah, but Luke's record traces Jesus' roots all the way to Adam and ultimately to God. Be...

A Certain Hope | Christ Empowers True Change | Luke 3:1-20 | January 5, 2025
As John the Baptist preaches from Isaiah about the coming Messiah, many wonder how they can live according to the high standard of the law. True heart change doesn't come from behavior modification, it isn't earned or found within someone's own...

A Certain Hope | Family Concerns | Luke 2:41-52 | December 29, 2024
Jesus grew in favor with God and man. As any human grows, so did the Son of God. He perfectly honored His earthly mother and father, while also perfectly honoring His Heavenly Father. Jesus at the age of 12 stays behind at the Temple to keep gr...

A Certain Hope | The Song of Salvation | Luke 2:1-20 | December 22, 2024
As the angels appear to the shepherds, there is a humbling and beautiful reality taking place. Though Joseph and Mary are to listen to Caesar Augustus, the real King is being born in a stable. And the command from the Lord to His angels isn't t...

A Certain Hope | The God of Possible | Luke 1:26-38 | December 15, 2024
The Lord comes, not just to the affluent, and not just to the most prominent, but the witness of Scripture is that He comes to the needy, He comes to those who understand that without Him coming to us, we'd have no way of getting to Him. And Ma...

A Certain Hope | Embracing the Ordinary | Luke 1:5-25 | December 8, 2024
In the ordinary life of Zechariah and Elizabeth, the Lord remembered them and His promises to His people. God meets us in the same way, in our lives to love Him with our heart, soul, mind, and strength; and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Z...

A Certain Hope | A Reasonable Witness | Luke 1:1-4 | December 1, 2024
The gospel of Luke begins with the goal of a witness and his pattern for presenting the truth of Jesus Christ. Luke is believable not because of his convincing arguments or intelligent writing, but because of his real-time witness of the Son of...

To Live is Christ | Contentment in Christ | Philippians 4:10-23 | November 24, 2024
Without Christ we are completely needy and unable to do any good, yet through Christ we can do all things. Dependent upon the Lord is the faithful walk of a Christian, and the Church is to uplift, support, and encourage each other to be content...

To Live is Christ | Reasonable Joy | Philippians 4:1-9 | November 17, 2024
Conflict, anxiety, and fear arise in all human beings, including inside the church. Engaging with these struggles requires the redemptive work of Christ, who cultivates peacemakers and teammates in the gospel. To think about the good, to dwell ...

To Live is Christ | Pressing On Today | Philippians 3:12-21 | November 10, 2024
The Christian life involves a faithful pursuit of Jesus, to follow Him obediently and diligently. Paul strains towards the goal of holiness, is grieved by those in the church who aren't actually pursuing Christ, and reminds us of the assurance ...

To Live is Christ | Knowing Jesus is Better | Philippians 3:1-11 | November 3, 2024
We are not, and never will be, good enough on our own. That's the bad news. And that's the burden of human existence. But the good news is that Jesus is. And in and through His grace He gives us His righteousness by faith.

To Live is Christ | Radiant Servants | Philippians 2:19-30 | October 27, 2024
Gospel life focuses on exalting Jesus with the family of faith. In describing Timothy and Epaphorditus the apostle Paul calls them son and brother, faithful friends, focused on what's most important, and striving for the kingdom of God. May Chr...

To Live is Christ | Relentless Light | Philippians 2:12-18 | October, 20, 2024
Carried along by the Holy Spirit, believers are to work out their salvation with fear and trembling while also rooted in gladness and rejoicing. The Lord has delivered His people, therefore they have full assurance of their hope and can live a ...

To Live is Christ | The Way of Jesus | Philippians 2:5-11 | October 13, 2024
Having the mind of Christ involves an obedience and humility demonstrated by Jesus Himself. As He lived and endured the cross, Jesus was completely obedient and humble both in our place and so that we may live the same way. By living this way w...

To Live is Christ | Citizens of Heaven | Philippians 1:27 - 2:4 | October 6, 2024
Suffering and the Christian life go hand in hand, yet the Lord faithfully holds His people through every circumstance. Refined by trials and grace, Christians walk in this world able to serve and love others knowing that God is in control and s...

To Live is Christ | The Discipline of Rejoicing | Philippians 19-26 | September 29, 2024
Paul reminds us to be committed to the gospel. In the end, it will all turn out in deliverance and salvation for those who trust in Jesus. And though this life brings difficulties and the desire is to leave this world to be with Christ, the ten...

To Live is Christ | Cause for Rejoicing | Philippians 1:12-18 | September 22, 2024
As Paul's imprisoned, he is still witnessing the gospel advancing. Our circumstances do not limit the Lord, who uses even hardships to spread the good news of Christ. We are to share sincerely, have right motives, and rejoice regardless of the ...

To Live is Christ | Praying Partners | Philippians 1:9-11 | September 15, 2024
In his love for the church, Paul expresses his desire that Christians should pray for one another. Not only is it impactful in the moment, but it will carry us as we wait for the day of Christ; when He comes again. In this we will be sanctified...

To Live is Christ | A Sure Gratitude | Philippians 1:3-8 | September 8, 2024
Paul writes with joy and love to the people of the Philippian church even though he's imprisoned and away from them. Being rooted in Christ, Christian community is more than just togetherness, its family and shared partnership. The church is wh...

To Live is Christ | Unlikely Origins | Philippians 1:1-2 | September 1, 2024
Paul writes to the church in Philippi to encourage and instruct them in Christ. An eclectic group of people make up this church as we observe in Acts 16, some of Paul's earliest encounters with other believers. From this origin we know that Pau...

A King and a Kingdom | Delighting in the Rock | 2 Samuel 22:32-51 | August 25, 2024
David finishes his prayer of deliverance in gratitude and humility. Everyone is hard wired to worship, but who or what we worship is a choice. David has chosen to worship the Lord who saved him and established his feet upon the Rock. We can do ...