Out of My Mind in Costa Rica-Living with CPTSD

Episode 22: What's Going On? - Emotional Overwhelm

Ray Erickson Episode 22

Episode 22

What’s Going On?

Emotional Overwhelm

April 8, 2021

Today’s episode is no more than a brief explanation about why I have been MIA the past couple of weeks. I know there may be a few of you who may be concerned, and I want to set you mind at ease. Unfortunately, I don’t have the energy to give you any resource links this week, but if my plan goes well, I will be back next week with a full-length episode for your listening pleasure.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.


Episode 22

What’s Going On?

Emotional Overwhelm

April 8, 2021

Hello and welcome to Out of My Mind in Costa Rica. I’m your host, Ray Erickson. Some of you may be wondering what the hell is going on. I was on a good run with 21 consecutive episodes, then WHAM! Suddenly, I go MIA. I apologize for any confusion or concern that may have occurred by my sudden absence. This is why I am taking a few minutes to let you know what is going on that led to my lack of productivity last week.

I’m calling this episode, technically number 22, Emotional Overwhelm because, that is what has been going on for me. Even though the past couple of weeks have not been dramatically different for my day-to-day life, the emotional turmoil that has been going on underneath my skin has been particularly brutal. 

I haven’t measured it, but depression has been on the increase. Fortunately, I see a doctor this morning and I plan to ask them for an antidepressant, which, in Costa Rica means. Prozac or Fluoxetine. I was taking it about a year and a half ago but discontinued it after 8 months because I didn’t feel it had a significant impact, but as you know I am not a quitter, so I am going to give it another shot.

Fluoxetine is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor or SSRI which means it gives your brain a little boost of serotonin, the “feel good” hormone. It takes a while for any effects to be noticed, but hey, where am I going? With the aid of a good placebo effect, I hope to be back on track next week with a new and full episode. I have an episode on conflict in the works, but I don’t know if that is the direction I will go. Check me out next week and see what I have come up with.

I hope all of you who listen to Out of My Mind in Costa Rica are doing well and taking good care of yourself. Sometimes I need to shut down for a while. This is how I take care of myself. If any of my approaches rub off on you then I hope it helps. There is, of course a lot of things going on and at the same time there is nothing going on. Maybe you can relate to that.

Today, I am just taking a moment to clue you all in as to the nature of my absence and to let you know that this too shall pass, and, hopefully, I will be back at the helm of Out of My Mind in Costa Rica next week. Knock on wood. So, until next time, Be Courageous. Be Strong and Be Kind. I’ll catch you later. Bye.