We Are Superman


Season 5 Episode 25

In this Power Play, I continue the discussion about transition phase workouts, describing fartlek and tempo runs you can do to bridge your training from base building to speedwork and lessen the chance you will incur injuries in the process.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

Workouts - start all with 10-15 min. warm-up jog and end with at least 10 min. cooldown:

2x12 min. with 60 sec. rest interval comfortably hard (10-15 sec. slower than 10K race pace, or 10 sec. faster than half-marathon race pace, or 80% of max. HR or 2-5 bpm slower than lactate threshold HR)

3x8 min. with 75 sec. RI at 5-10 sec. slower than 10K race pace

3x6 min. almost full effort with 2-3 min. RI

3/1 tempo: alternate 3 min. easy with 1 min. at one-mile race pace

5/2 tempo: alternate 5 min. easy with 2 min. at 20-30 sec. faster than 5K race pace

8/3 tempo: alternate 8 min. easy with 3 min. at 5K race pace

Bill Stahl
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