SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep 25 - Predictions on the death of the SDR and birth of buyer centric revenue with Nelson Gilliat

Ken Lempit Season 1 Episode 25

We’re at an inflection point as sales and marketing practitioners. 

Some of us have heeded early warning signs as marketing and sales KPIs become harder to achieve, and others are just starting to pay attention. Or rather, they’re being forced to—because buyers are taking more control and our outdated methods of prospecting are off putting. They don’t want your phone calls pressuring them to take a demo. They’re ignoring your emails. And worse, when you are a motivated buyer, you first have to go through the SDR gauntlet of BANT questions, only to be handed off to someone down the road that can actually answer your questions. 

We have to do something different, but what? 

Nelson Gilliat, author of The Death of the SDR and Birth of Buyer Centric Revenue, thinks he has some answers.

He also makes some bold assertions about the future of the Predictable Revenue Model that turned B2B sales into an assembly line of specialization, and talks about how some innovative organizations are already experimenting with different models that are in-line with their buyers to great success. 

Gilliat also questions the whole model of quotas and commissions (that predates the Predictable Revenue Model) with some interesting arguments about how it not only incentives the wrong behavior, but also how it short changes people in their professions. 

While it sounds like a pipe dream (only a handful of companies are experimenting with different models) Gilliat does pinpoint many of the root causes of problems with our modern sales process that we’ve had for years. 

There are also some baby step changes that you can make today that will move your organization in a better direction down the lin

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