SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep 27 - Building a SaaS Success in Healthcare; Akasa uses AI to Solve an Intractable Revenue Problem

April 20, 2022 Ken Lempit Season 1 Episode 27

Healthcare is one of the most difficult industries to penetrate, even for established brands.
They’re risk-averse, have strong defenses against being sold to, sales cycles are long and they significant data protection requirements.

So how do you do gain traction as a financial management startup targeting hospitals and healthcare systems?

In this episode of SaaS Backwards, Ben Beadle-Ryby talks about how they’ve met this challenge by: 

  • Building the company around subject matter experts with deep industry roots to earn immediate credibility and early customers
  • Leveraging VC connections who have connections in the space
  • Ensuring that they have all of the necessary certifications to protect data
  • Investing in long-term demand through thought leadership; positioning Akasa as thought leaders in AI applications for healthcare
  • Aligning his company's employees, customers and prospects around a larger mission to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare in the U.S.

Ben also talks about ways they built the company to increase the odds of being successful, including how they built the founding team and product concept. He introduces the idea of "founder dating," that helped them work on team dynamics and recruitment, as well as doing a lot of up-front work to "pressure test" their initial product ideas.

There's a lot of takeaways here in just 30 minutes... enjoy!

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