SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep. 30 - How to automate and scale referrals for your B2B SaaS – with Referral Factory’s founder Kirsty Sharman

Ken Lempit Season 1 Episode 30

Referrals are the lifeblood of every business. The cost of acquisition is the lowest, and they tend to close faster and at higher rates, making the sales process WAY easier. 

So why do companies spend so much on paid channels where the cost per lead is going up and the quality is going down at such a rapid pace?

Referrals have always been hard to scale—especially if you haven’t trained your people to ask.

Referral Factory founder Kirsty Sherman believes she’s figured out a solution, even for B2B SaaS companies, where the referral process can be embedded into the platform by providing incentives for users to easily refer their connections. 


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