SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep 34- Finding the single source of truth to simplify every supply chain

July 01, 2022 Ken Lempit Season 1 Episode 34

Suuchi Ramesh, founder and CEO of Suuchi Inc had envisioned a need for one single source of truth in supply chain across suppliers, factories, brands, retailers, warehouses, and customers when they began operations in 2017.

A bold vision, for sure.

But the timing (pre-COVID) helped making the space ripe for disruption.  

In the same way that you’d eat an elephant (one bite at a time), Ramesh was able to break the problem statement into parts by connecting brands and retailers in the fashion industry with the network of factories in the Western hemisphere and expand to beauty, and Food & Beverages that make up 90 percent of their clientele.

Today, after successfully building from a series A fund raise three years ago, their efficient money management strategy has positioned them well for growth as they raise the next round and expand their go-to-market strategy to generate demand in the 10 percent dramatically increasing their total addressable market. 


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