SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep. 36 - How Challenger Sale fits into your demand gen strategy—with Paddle CMO Andrew Davies

Ken Lempit Season 1 Episode 36

Where most SaaS companies experience problems with the effectiveness of demand capture strategies, Paddle had the opposite problem—they weren’t focused on long-term customer creation. 

In the beginning, that was fine because they “were so busy and productive "Hoovering" up the in-market demand.”

Davies says that as a CMO, you always carry two time frames in your mind. One which is this quarter and next, making sure you’ve got a full pipeline, and the second timeline, which is how we’ll be positioned two years from now and how we’re warming them up now for future sales. 

Some just aren’t ready now, and you don’t want to lose them in the future. 

Another problem was messaging. Salespeople were stumbling around explaining the company’s mission to their customers. 

Davies set out to change the overall company narrative to fit more in line with the Challenger Sale where you reframe the problem for prospects so that they’re looking at this problem in an entirely new perspective and bring them along for the journey. 

“That results in a much easier sale whether they’re with sales or self-serve, they can go faster with less friction because marketing has paved the first few roads for them.”

In other words, demand generation for Paddle is making sales easier, and Davies explains in a way that all SaaS companies can emulate.


Thanks for listening to the SaaS Backwards Podcast, brought to you by Austin Lawrence Group. We help SaaS firms reduce churn, accelerate sales, and generate demand. Learn more at


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