SaaS Backwards - Reverse Engineering SaaS Success

Ep. 61 - Breaking through the buyer-seller trust gap with customer-led growth – with SlapFive Founder & CEO Jeff Ernst

Ken Lempit

For marketers, breaking through the trust gap is getting harder. Prospective buyers won’t believe it without some third-party validation.

So, how can you break through that trust gap in a new and innovative way?

That’s the problem Jeff Ernst set out to solve as the founder of SlapFive, a customer marketing solution that makes it simple to engage and mobilize customers to drive growth.

In over 2000 interviews with CMOs during his tenure at Forrester, Ernst notes that overwhelmingly, the number one thing that buyers trust and seek out is what their friends and colleagues think and what your other customers’ experiences are. 

“They want a crystal ball into the life of a customer. They know it’s not perfect and don’t expect it to be--and they can only get that from your current customers.”

In this episode, Ernst talks about his journey as an entrepreneur and shares his advice on:

  • How to leverage customers in ways beyond case studies, testimonials, and referrals.
  • How to find an unmet need in the marketplace and ensure product/market fit.
  • And most importantly, what marketers should be doing today to build trust with both current and prospective clients. 

Other resources to check out:

Interview with Vinay Bhagat, Founder and CEO of TrustRadius who publish a yearly report about how B2B buyer behavior is changing.

The Lead Gen Mistake I Guarantee You’re Making – how to create content that better identifies intent from today’s b2b buyer.

And, if you want an outside look at your content with actionable advice, take advantage of our Content Audit. Valued at $20K in free consulting.


Thanks for listening to the SaaS Backwards Podcast, brought to you by Austin Lawrence Group. We help SaaS firms reduce churn, accelerate sales, and generate demand. Learn more at


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