As I Live and Grieve

Could a Life Coach Help With Your Grief?

Kathy Gleason, Stephanie Kendrick - CoHosts

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Today we chat with Stevie Fedele, a Certified Life Coach, who helps us understand how partnering with a Life Coach might prove beneficial if you struggle with your grief, even walking us through a brief exercise she frequently uses with her clients.

 Episode Notes:

There are times in our grief that we feel stuck, not moving forward, and even not caring whether we do or not. It is at these times that loved ones might utter the word ‘therapy’ or suggest you get some help. One of our goals is to offer alternatives that might you might not even be aware of in an effort to help you sort out what appeals to you, what you think might help you. Today, Stevie Fedele explains what a Life Coach is and how working with one might be your solution to working through your grief.

 In Stevie’s own words: ”Family is the most important thing in my life, especially the ones I spend all my time with, my 5 year old daughter, my 8 month old son and my husband. I was raised by the most amazing parents I could ever ask for, one that now lives in heaven and the other that now goes by Papa. I have two older protective sisters that I love very much. My mom was Italian, so my extended family is a huge part of me and I love that about my life. Second to family is my passion to help people! Help them heal, grow and reach their own personal definition of success. This is my work as a life coach, a place where I have never felt more aligned. A place you’ll find me most, outside of my home, is at Breathe yoga, where I teach and practice yoga. This is a major source of my healing, growth and inspiration in life! As I said relationships with people is very high on my list of things I value, and with that said, I have some of the most amazing friendships and a community of beautiful people that support me daily. I live for quotes and one of my favorites is ‘I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.’ I’m learning and practicing how to love life every day, every moment.” Email Stevie to arrange for a FREE 45-minute call to learn more.

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Facebook:  As I Live and Grieve 

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Contact Stevie: 


Instagram:  @Solcoaching27

Facebook:  Stevie Fedele


Music by Kevin MacLeod 



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