As I Live and Grieve

Survivor's Guilt (Part 1 of 3) - Veterans & Memorial Day

May 25, 2021 Kathy Gleason, Stephanie Kendrick - CoHosts

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In the Part 1 of this series, Dr. A. Peter Ziarnowski defines Survivors Guilt and offers insight on its connection to and impact on our military.

In Part 2 of this series, we will hear personally from three veterans how they continue to cope with memories of their comrades who died while on active duty.

Part 3 touches on the benefits made available to family members on the death of their veteran,  and how veterans can help minimize the burden of funeral decisions for their family members.

Episode Notes:
With Memorial Day approaching, memories of soldiers who never made it home are forefront in the minds of veterans. Despite decades passing since their death, our veterans continue to struggle with Survivors Guilt.

Dr. A. Peter Ziarnowski is a Clinical Psychologist who has worked with Service men and women and with veterans for almost 5 decades.  During his 5-year career in the Army he served as a Psychologist both at Letterman Army Medical Center in San Francisco and at the US Military Academy at West Point.  Since 1977 he has been counseling veterans in different capacities within the Department of Veterans Affairs.  He currently is the Director at the Rochester Vet Center, a Readjustment Counseling Center for war zone veterans and their families.  Dr. Ziarnowski has over 35 years of teaching experience as an adjunct professor at Monroe Community College as well as a couple of decades at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Facebook:  As I Live and Grieve 
Instagram:  @asiliveandgrieve 

To Find a Nearby Vet Center:

For the Rochester, NY, Vet Center:
Rochester Vet Center
2000 S. Winton Rd., Bldg. 5, Suite 201
Rochester, NY 14618

Music by Kevin MacLeod 

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