As I Live and Grieve

Survivor's Guilt (Part 2 of 3) - Veterans' Voices

Kathy Gleason, Stephanie Kendrick - CoHosts

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"Daily,"  is the response to our question, "How often do you think of them?" We are, of course, referring to the countless men and women who served in our military and never returned home. Memorial Day isn't just a long weekend, picnics and parades. For our veterans it is an official reminder of their comrades killed while serving, or those who returned but succumbed later to an injury or illness acquired while serving. Today we hear from three veterans the impact survivor's guilt has and has had on them personally.

Episode Notes:
Mike Herzog, Steve McAlpin and Genero Prieto
each respond to our questions. Listen between the words, close your eyes and feel the emotions. They may have left military service, but the evidence of their service remains as they each continue to volunteer and advocate for their brothers and sisters.

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Music by Kevin MacLeod 

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The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.