As I Live and Grieve

Sibling Grief, a Personal Journey

Kathy Gleason, Stephanie Kendrick - CoHosts

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The relationship between siblings can often be dynamic and filled with ups and downs. Yet to lose a sibling through death, especially a sudden loss, may lead to unanticipated overwhelming grief that refuses to abate. Listen to our guest, Alyse Oram, as she relates her grief journey that started in 2016 with the loss of a childhood friend, then her younger brother six months later.

Episode Notes:
While Alyse processed her loss, she became aware of the limited resources available to sibling loss specifically and the discomfort she witnessed from others when discussing the topic. While not an expert, Alyse hopes that by sharing her story of loss and grief, she can provide hope and support to others in similar situations. Alyse lives in Maine with her boyfriend and their fur babies, Stella and Harlow.

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Music by Kevin MacLeod 

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