As I Live and Grieve

Hardcore Grief Recovery with Steve Case

Kathy Gleason, Stephanie Kendrick - CoHosts

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When we grieve, we often are recipients of platitudes that we perceive as empty, meaningless and sometimes even cruel. Even some blogs or books we turn to for support may seem superficial and unrealistic. Well, Steve Case has written just the book for those wanting the straight, uncensored reality of Grief,  Hardcore Grief Recovery: An Honest Guide to Getting through Grief without the Condolences, Sympathy, and Other BS (F*ck Death; Healing Mental Health Journal for Adults After the Loss of a Loved One). Join us in hearing why this may be exactly what we need as we begin our journey in Grief. NOTE: All expletives (which are few) have been ‘bleeped’ so all may enjoy our conversation.

Episode Notes:
Steve Case has been a commissioned pastor with the United Church of Christ for more than 20 years. This book was born out of the need to create a safe-place for those who get sick and tired of pity and sympathy. 

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To Reach Steve Case:

Contact him directly at:
You can check out all his books at Amazon,

Music by Kevin MacLeod 

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