Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten

21. Maria Juarez Byrd/Be More Gracious with Your Assumptions/Mexican American/Becoming a Veterinarian

April 08, 2021 Brandy Von Holten Season 2021 Episode 22

It is my pleasure to introduce soon to be DVM Maria Juarez Byrd!  Maria is one of the most determined work horses I know!  Everything she has worked for academically has come from huge sacrifices and pure grit.  Maria had enough college credit hours from high school to expedite her time needed to obtain her undergraduate degree.  After being accepted into the prestigious College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University in New York, Maria let doubt created by a mental seed planted deter her from her dream of becoming a veterinarian.  Maria had to step back and regroup before attacking veterinary school again.  This time she was equipped with the ability to silence the doubt created which allowed her to soar.  Maria is going to do great things while on this Earth, and I am honored to be part of her life.