Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten

29. Ashley Raetz/Community over Competition/Marketing Coach/Profitable Sign Maker

Brandy Von Holten Season 2021 Episode 29

Welcome to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten!  Today’s interview is with Ashley Raetz!  Ashley is what I strive to be!  If you have ever just busted your butt putting in the work, but then see someone that is working just as hard as you do, but they are exponentially growing faster.  This is what I see from Ashley!  She has found her niche, is incredibly smart, is not afraid to take calculated risks, and is SUCCESSFUL!  She is a small-town girl with global reach!  Ashley’s footprint on this world is a positive one for sure!  Rather than keeping all her knowledge to herself, she is willing to help others experience the business success and financial prosperity she has found. This girl has more layers than a Vidalia onion, so pay attention!   Ashley Raetz is truly gifted and believes in community over competition!