Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten is a motivational and educational podcast. Interviews consist of three categories consisting of leaders in the equine industry, business owners or individuals with a uplifting personal experience, or myself sharing business insight. Real, raw, and completely exposed, no fluff, down to Earth interviews to help you gain the grit you need to push through another day with a smile on your face.
Country Tough with Brandy Von Holten
2. Toby Dorr/From Felon to Female Empowerment
Today’s interview is with Toby Dorr, a woman with a felony conviction. She found herself in the lowest point possible, in prison on suicide watch. While in prison, she as able to firsthand see the need to help the brokenness of female inmates. She has now been approached by Date Line and Lifetime to share her story. Toby has now written a memoir and has a series of workbooks to help women mend the pieces of their life. She has taken a bad decision and turned it into a positive healing platform for others. I hope you are moved as I was by Toby’s interview.