Massive Agent Podcast

118: How to Survive a Market Crash w/ 40 Year Real Estate Vet David Fanale

Dustin Brohm Episode 118

The current CoronaCrash that our stock market and overall economy is in the midst of is no joke. This damn virus, and the quarantines/shutdowns as a result, are already doing major damage. We don't yet know the extent that the housing market will be affected.

One thing is certain, real estate agents are scared, nervous, worried, and stressed. The uncertainty we're dealing with right now is causing many agents to take their foot off the gas, even questioning whether or not they'll even stay in the business.

What Realtors need is a roadmap on how to navigate an abrupt market shift, and some perspective on what the landscape will look like moving forward. This week, we talked to David Fanale, an industry leading real estate agent with over 40 years of experience. He's seen every tough market, downturn, crash and recession over the last 4 decades. David has successful survived and thrived through the ultra high interest rates of the Jimmy Carter era, the 1987 market crash, the dotcom bust, 9/11, and the Great Recession of 08/09.

David shares, from experience, what Realtors should be doing right now to survive and even grow in this extremely difficult time. As you'll hear, there are still so many opportunities that agents can take advantage of, but it takes a clear mind, and taking action.

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spk_0:   0:00
this week, we're focused on exactly what you should be doing, the specific actions you should be taking during this market pullback, the crash, the Corona virus craziness to not just protect your business, not just to maintain and survive, but to thrive, to actually grow your business and come out of this once. You know, once it all ends and it will to come out of this on top to come out of this with even more business than you you started with on this episode of the massive agent podcast. We're talking to a 40 year real estate veteran David Finale. He's seen the 1987 crash. He's seen the dot com bust. He's seen 9 11 He's seen the great recession in Oh, wait No. Nine. And he survived those. So he has some very specific advice on what we should be doing right now when it counts to make it through this and actually thrive Theme message agent podcast. We lead generation tips and strategies to give you more leads and sell more homes. I love to buy houses. I like to sell houses, takes brass balls to sell real estate. Wait a minute leaves a week. You're week. I've had better. Oh, I got your attention. Now here's your hose. Dustin Brohm, What is up? Everybody? Welcome to Episode 118 of the massive agent podcast. We have one hell of a show because it's been one hell of a week, hasn't it? It's been one hell of a month. March 2020 is gonna be the month that we we never, ever forget that we'll be telling our kids and our grandkids about they're gonna be writing about and studying this month forever. It's crazy. And every day it seems like a month goes by with, with all the shit going on. So it's been crazy. So we have a crazy good episode for you. We're bringing on David finale. David is a real estate agent over in Jersey. Enjoys E. I am sorry I could not help it. You can't say Jersey and not say Joe easy if you're not from Jersey. So I have to say Joyce E. But David's coming on. He's been in the business for over 40 years. He's been a real estate agent for 40 years, which means he's survived for 40 years. He's seen the great recession. The crash in 08 No. Nine. He's seen 9 11 And what that did he saw everything like all the way back to the 1987 crash. The Jimmy Carter years, when interest rates for mortgages were in the teens. Can you imagine? Can you imagine if you had a mortgage and you're paying 15% interest? I mean, we bitch about you know, when when interest rates go up 1/4 point and they're down three threes and force maybe five. It's perspective, people, perspective. So David is going to join us here in a minute and really pay attention. Okay, there's some tactical stuff, some specific things you can do. But then there's also some foundational things. Don't don't blow past those. Don't overlook some of these conceptual things we talk about. I promise you, you stick through to the end, you're going to absolutely get those tactics and get those specific action items. But the foundational stuff that that you can interpret in in many different ways if you can get that stuff right and move in that direction, you're going to absolutely dominate coming out of this craziness. They're so guys I'm pleading with you Play offense. Be smart about where you spend your money. But when you do, when you do spend your money on marketing and advertising, it goes so much further right now and so many more people are seeing it. It's just it's incredible. And I cannot believe how many agents are just They're pushing pause. They're completely pushing pause. Unfortunately, I know some that have actually given up there like I'm not gonna be able to survive this. I'm done. And so mentally they're already checked out. You can already tell they're leaving the business, and it's unfortunate it sucks. Now if they don't like the business, if they don't want to be here anyway, that's fine. Good. Go do something that you'd rather rather do. But if you're listening to this, you're trying to further your career. So I beg you guys, wherever you're out in the country, please please put your foot on the gas, not the brake. Put your foot on the gas doom or, and that doesn't necessarily mean spend more money. But just be more thoughtful about it. More intentional. Be smarter about you know, the things that that your money is going towards marketing and advertising wise, and there's so much you could do for free with content and all the different platforms out there. There's so much you can do. Especially there's a lot of us that actually have a little bit more time because we're not commuting and we have a little bit more time so you can use that extra time to learn a new skill or to start something new like start doing videos, start a podcast, learn Facebook ads, take a course, hire a coach. You know, start learning something new that's gonna help you at take advantage, please. I'm begging you, Take advantage. This crisis is gonna be this crisis. Regardless. If you play defense or offense, it's still gonna be what it iss. It's still gonna be shitty. It's still gonna be crazy. People are still gonna lose jobs. People are still going to lose lives. Unfortunately, that's gonna happen whether you're playing offense or defense. So you may as well play offense for those of you new to the show. Welcome. I hope that you come back for a second episode, but you might realize while this guy's a train wreck, I'm gonna try to keep my train wreck Unis to an absolute minimum this week. Just for you, For you new listeners. My name is Dustin, bro. I'm your host. I am an agent with E X P Realty in Salt Lake City, Utah. I am the co founder of the Industry Syndicate Real Estates Podcast Network. This show is a proud founding member of the industry Syndicate network. I'm a national speaker. At least when there were still events to speak at, I was a national speaker on all things real estate marketing and podcasting. Columnist for Housing Wire. I write a column every Friday for housing wire and the founder of the massive Agent Society. That is our coaching program. One agent per market is allowed in. Ah, and we really want you to be able to speak, speak clearly, not clearly to speak freely, not worry about competitors, seeing what you're doing and hearing what you're up to. And you know all of that. So one agent per market conjoined, you can find out which markets are still available over a massive agent society dot com. So the whole the whole foundation of the massive Agent Society is to help agents to get more business and using the Facebook ads platform not just to get new leads, but to get more business from people that already know them. So that right now that topic is so, so crucial. So I'm gonna do something for you guys on Tuesday on Tuesday, March 31st at 10 a.m. Mountain time. So that's noon eastern 9 a.m. Pacific. I am doing a free webinar 100% free. You don't have to be a society member. You know, I'm not asking for anything just registered for the free webinar. I'll give you a link here in a second, but I'm gonna be walking you through step by step. Even if you've never done this before. If it's your first time ever running a Facebook ad, I'm gonna show you how to start a retargeting campaign. Have you ever noticed that when you go look at something on Amazon, you see a product on Amazon or you Goto Walmarts website or Target's website or whatever? And all of a sudden you start seeing that product or similar products on your instagram feed. Also in your Facebook feed, you start seeing the same stuff like That's interesting. Well, that's a concept called retargeting. They know that if you've already looked at something, you're if you see it again, you're more likely to buy it. That is how it works. It's the same reason why you have to follow up with clients. Especially new leads is you have to stay in front of them. So they remember you. Well, I'm gonna ask you a question. You can answer yourself. Do you think you're more likely to get someone to hire you if you are a stranger to them? If they've never seen you before or if you're familiar, if they know you, they've seen you before and you've given them some sort of value, whatever that means. You know there's a 1,000,000 different ways to get value. Who's more likely to hire you? Obviously people who have seen you before, So it's amazing to me how so many agents and other legion programs and and and people think that the lead is the goal that that, like you, get a lead and that's that you won. You're just starting when you get a lead, that's like catching the football. Now you have to run and score with it. And there's a lot of stuff that can happen along the way between catching the ball and run into the end zone. Like that analogy. I'm pretty proud of that one. But it's not all about the league. Yes, leads are crucial, but it's all about what you do afterwards. Okay, so that's part of it. But also who the lead is is that lead a stranger? Have they just all of a sudden they're randomly seeing your Facebook ad? They've never seen you. They've never seen your name, your logo, your face, your brand. But you're offering something like a particular list of homes or you're going to give him a free home valuation or whatever. And they want that. Well, you're gonna have many, many, many more people who already know you take you up on that offer, Don't you think? If they've seen your logo senior face senior brand seem senior name before, they're going to be so much more likely to to trust you enough to click and to submit their information and become a lead. And I'm gonna take it even a step further guy, because I want you guys have to learn how to how to show abs to people who already know you by using the same strategies that Target and Wal Mart and Amazon and purple Mattress and wish dot com and every big retailer that they use. You guys can use the same strategy. Wouldn't it be cool if whenever somebody commented on one of your Facebook business page posts that then they started seeing ads from you? Or what if they visit your website? You know, somebody referred you to them, and so they google you. Luckily, if you've done a good job online, they google you. They see your name and are sorry They google your name, they find your website, they go there. Now all of a sudden they start seeing ads from you in their news feeds because they visited your website or they watched a video that you posted on Facebook. They watched, you know, a couple minutes of it. You don't know who they are. You don't even know that they watched. But now all of a sudden they start seeing more ads targeted to just them. This gets really cool when you can target specifically, visitors who visited your website to seek a home valuation, and you can start showing them seller specific ads to just those people rather than the Internet as a hole that's called retargeting. That's why all these major companies, these major e commerce companies, are major e commerce companies. That's why they get to the billions of dollars is because they understand retargeting. We, as real estate agents can do that to you, just have to know how. So I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna teach you for free. I'm not asking for anything. All you have to do to register is go to massive agent podcast dot com slash 10 x webinar 10 X webinar massive agent podcast dot com slash 10 x webinar and I'm gonna show you how to 10 x the the awesomeness of your leads. How to 10 X your ability to capture leads online and 10 x the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. I'm gonna show you how to get 10 times Maur value or 10 times more return out of the dollars you spend on Facebook ads. And it's all about retargeting. So I'm gonna walk you through it with a screen share So you step by step, how to set it up? I'm gonna show you what ads you should run. What? It should look like what? You know, what kind of budget should you be spending on this stuff so that you can leave the webinar and have it down, set it up and run it? That's all I want. Now you guys need some help. You guys need a little boost to get going with this. And now is the best time I've ever seen in the last decade to start implementing this stuff because our competitors are sitting on the sidelines, so I'm gonna show you. So be there. Tuesday, March 31st at noon, Eastern 9 a.m. Pacific massive agent podcast dot com slash 10 x webinar and register. Even if you can't be there, live because you'll get the replay So the webinars gonna be through zoom. All you have to do is register. If you're there, live cool. You can ask questions. You can, you know, ask for, you know, ask follow ups and all that. But if you can't make it, we'll email you the replay link as soon as it's available afterwards within an hour and then you can watch it on your own time. There you go. So be there for that. I'm super excited about that. Just a quick thank you to all of you guys that have subscribed to the show. Thank you so much. I mean, think. Thank God that you Now you don't have to remember every Thursday morning to tune into the show. You get a notification now in apple podcasts or pocket casts or Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Thank you for subscribing. It actually helps us out as well. It it tells the apple podcast algorithm that the show's in demand. So please subscribe. If you haven't yet, it makes life easier for you, and it helps us as well. So then you're not such a freeloading podcast listener you're actually giving back and not just taking. So thank you. I say that tongue in cheek. I love you guys. Um, but I also like talking shit. So there we go. Let's bring on David Finale, founder of real estate Skill builder, a 40 year real estate industry veteran man. He has seen some stuff, and he's, you know, here's what's interesting. Before I get into this because he and I had a little conversation before we started recording. And, you know, he's some of the current crisis he's nervous about. He's a human being. He's nervous about it. He's and it's always the unknown stuff. It's like we just don't know. Once you can start to define what things could look like look like and how things could play out, you start to worry less. You stress less, and now you can. You can really move forward from a place of empowerment and energy. And so that's what this interview does. He's nervous about certain things, too, but because he's seen he's seen crashes and recovery's before. He knows what we should be doing right now. So let's jump into it with David Finale, the founder of real estate skill builder right now. All right, we're here with David Finale, the founder of real estate skill builder. He's an agent himself. He has been for many years, and he's been through a big market shift. The last market shift took a lot longer to develop it and happen over the course of weeks, Um, and so I wanted to bring David on to talk about that. Ah, because he's still here. He's still kicking, He's thriving. And his business, you know, survived through it. And there's a lot of us right now that are concerned about whether or not our businesses can weather it. I think I think we all believe it's possible. We just want We just want a road map. We just want to know what to do. So David David Fin Al Thank you so much for joining the massive agent podcast. Welcome. How's it going?

spk_1:   15:17
It's going really good, man. I mean, look, you know, it's uncertain times, but the thing is that we're here and we're here to help.

spk_0:   15:25
Exactly. Exactly. All we can do is provide some guidance, some hand holding, some perspective and some ideas. It's up to you guys listening to do this shit it now more than ever. So here's the thing, and then we'll get into it. I just want to mention this. There's never been a better time in the last decade that that I can think of for. For those who do take action toe win big, it's now it's now to the point where so many competitors of yours are laying down there playing defense. They're clueless. They don't know what to do. They're not spending money on marketing, which means they're not growing. They're actually taking steps backwards for anyone who takes action and implements anything that they want to do. Anything that we talk about, that we have talked about anything that you wanted to do. You have more opportunity now to win. Then you did a month ago, Two months ago. I love that. So if you guys were listening, do the shit and you're going to win, you will win. So, David, how long you been in the business? And, um, tell us a bit about how you got to where you are today with in real estate.

spk_1:   16:35
So I've been in the business now. It will be 40 years, 40 years, 40 years. So I went to, uh, I went to college, got out of college and late 1979 didn't have a job, work for my dad, who was a dentist but felt a lot of real estate. But I got my real estate license in 1976 1st believe it or not, and I worked, I first learned how to sell real estate how to be in a real estate business through ah, couple of older guys that I worked with when I was in college, and and basically it was like they did business by talking to their their their friends, talking to people they met. Um, you know, so through that through those years, I learned from, you know, from from two astute people, one guy, it was a partnership. So one guy was an insurance salesman before and the other guy was a custodian at Johnson and Johnson, believe it or not, and he just he was just a nice guy. So we talked to everybody he saw. Yeah, came, you know, became a very successful real estate broker. So time went on and have a job. I worked and I worked in construction. And then I worked for ah ah County Government Planning Board here in New Jersey for a couple of years, and it started working with my dad in construction and management everything, and came along where there was an opportunity for a real estate office toe to get involved in. And I did that in 96. Um, as time went on, I had to learn a lot of things because I've been in real estate, had been a real estate sales, been an agent Bennett construction and everything and realized that, um, you know what? I had to learn a lot, and I did. And as time went on, So in my lifetime, we just fast forward is I've been through the late seventies, 18 to 20% interest rates. Jimmy Carter's Jimmy Carter, uh, late eighties with Thea relocation specialist that the green book that came out that at all the foreclosures in every state because that because of what happened after Reagan did a great job with a C. R s, that sounds accelerate cost recovery system. But it has had a bad effect on things later on the decade, but nobody talks about that. And then, of course, 96 to 99 was an okay, and then 2001 was probably the last kind of normal market ad, and then we went into 04 or five and then, 07 a week. There we go on as it started. Besides, it started going down. I don't call it a crash. I call it a slow way to the bottom.

spk_0:   18:56
Yeah, I like that. Yeah. What's happening right now? I think we may look back and think this. This was a legit crash. We'll see. We'll see how far it goes. I still think the jury's out on how hard housing will be hit, and I do. It depends on the area. Some areas they're hotter than not. And the demand is still there in a lot of areas. Ability to get financing that's going to be negatively affected. Well, see, there's there's still so much uncertainty. But with so where we're at right now, it's March. When this show comes out, it's March 26th 2018. We still we haven't even hit the peak of this craziness yet. You've been through you know, the dot com crash you've been through 9 11 You've been through the great recession. You, um 1987 the stock market crash back then, right? By the way, did that affect housing at all? The 87 crash.

spk_1:   19:50
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, it was It was you know, you had things doing really well because of what Reagan did. And there were there, actually fistfights and driveways over houses. You know when the prices went, we're going really crazy. And then all of a sudden RTC, the Relocation Trust Corporation, came into being for all the foreclosures that were happening because the price was so high, just saying it's on the similar to await or what happened then. But it was a lot. It wasn't it. That was it wasn't as bad. It had nothing to do with mortgage business, and I'd do with just people overspending and over five.

spk_0:   20:23
Yes, for for those of us that still don't know what the hell's going on, we're still I mean, there's a lot of states right now. Today we're recording this on Monday, the 23rd that state governments have said real estate agents. You can no longer do business. That's a that's wild. That's unprecedented. Now you could still market your business. There's still a lot of things you can do, but we still don't know what's going on. So uncertainty is the highest I've ever seen. What should agents know about this period right now? What? What should we be expecting?

spk_1:   20:55
Well, you know what should you be expecting? You should be expecting also the unknown. So much of the unknown things that are gonna happen. And it's, you know, they've used the phrase they use the word so much lately called The situation is fluid and it really is. You know what you just said about states? Stopping real estate is from making phone calls and stuff like that. I work with a group of agents that are still prospecting. They've been prospect, but they haven't done that New Jersey yet. Um, but they did it in New York, I think. Yesterday. Whatever.

spk_0:   21:25
Yeah, I read that. That's wild,

spk_1:   21:27
right? It really is. Because it's like, OK, so we're not essential to the economy. Um, And you know what? I get that I'm not gonna fight it. I'm not gonna argue it. I could, but I won't. So, you know, you have to watch for, um, what people's actions are. What people are interested in is now more than ever, you have people that are still interested in buying and people that have to sell. You've got people that have sold their homes that have a closing date that need to find a home. So what are you going to do? I mean, we had a call with some somebody's last night and we're talking about how to run your business. And are you still going for listings? This is the best time for a lot of things. One. It's an opportunity. You said it before an opportunity to connect with your list. Connect Mr Database Number one, I always said, is the number one propeller of your business. It should be. If it isn't. Guess what, guys? I don't care what it is is 10 years now. You better. You better build it today, right? So there's a lot of things you have to watch for. But you know what? You have to watch out for yourself first.

spk_0:   22:33
That's great advice. How should people be looking out for themselves when you're going through these tough times? You were faced with the uncertainty. You were faced with the unknown. What did you personally do to because I assumed like real estate was your main gig. If you were a full time agent, that that was your livelihood. So what did you do during these previous crashes or recessions Or or, you know, downturns? What did you personally do to take care of yourself and move forward

spk_1:   23:02
well in in, um, in the eighties, uh, I was in property management was rentals, so we saw we saw rentals be a little bit more difficult to do where today you've got an apartment that's reasonably priced. It means going in seconds, right that those years, it wasn't that easy. I mean, we tried so much to give away TVs at that time as well, to get people to rent apartments, fast forward all the way to 2008. At that time, I was a broker owner. So what I did was I saw who was of my agents. I saw who was actually who could concentrate on what was going on rather than, you know, I'm sorry, but there's going to be people pitching and moaning about no business about this about that. Look, if you if there's, um I forget who was talking about it the other day about the book, The Shift by Carrie Keller. And one of the points was made in there that there's three types of agents one is gonna stick their head in the sand to, they're going to do to keep doing the same thing that they always did. That's always gonna happen. And then the third, the third ones that are gonna take advantage. Talk about fear, Talk about what's going on. You haven't. I have an opportunity right down this. Here's the thing, right. What I did back then was I wrote down the things that I could do to help my agent succeed. And I was willing, ready, willing and able because I was well capitalized to be able to do that. Now, a lot of people won't be at this time, right? And that's gonna be That's gonna be the difficulty. So, Okay, Sands money. No money, right? What are you going to do? You're gonna communicate. You're gonna take whatever you got That's free and you're going to You're going to really work with it really hard. You're going to come. I guess I connect with your database. You're gonna use social media like it's nobody's business. But you need to do it in a way where you're going to get noticed that people get aware of you. You don't want to be cheese. So remember that, you know, in order to communicate, you need you. Really? Right now you need to ask people how you can help them if you can help them. And I've been doing that in my own business. Now is I'm I'm I'm doing I'm doing video texts, Indian texts to people that are on my list that are in my database and saying, Hey, how you doing, Steve? I want to know if I can help you in any way. What can I do for you? Yes, it,

spk_0:   25:17
uh okay. So with that was something I've noticed is the vast majority of people when you ask that they always say nothing that they're like, I'm good. It's not until you prod a little bit and poke a little bit. Or maybe even ask specific questions where you can really get it. Something you can help them with. For example, the other day, a week or so ago, I went to my son's kindergarten to pick up a packet that the teachers made because they're all doing school work from home. And I asked her, you know, how you doing? She's like, I'm good. Like, Do you need anything? No, I'm good. Mike, Are you sure? Yes. I said, how about toilet paper? I actually had some in the car ahead. Little four pack in the car is like, Do you need any toilet paper? She's like, Oh, my God, Yes, I'm out. I have nothing. I'm like Here you go. Gave it to her, and it completely made her day. But people are going to say they're fine. So first off, do you agree that you need to be more specific with asking them or, um, you know, what are you and I? That's been my experience. What are you seeing that people do need help with that agents can help them with right now. During this time?

spk_1:   26:22
Well, I think I think, if you there. Okay, so there's agents are here that have listings ready to go on the market. Right? And? And people are saying, Well, how am I going to get him on the mark and say, Why don't I just wait till this all thing stops? Yeah. No, What? What I tell you just now is Look, if you've got listings that are coming up and you're ready to go talk to your cell into him Look, this is what I want you to do. I want you to take the pictures for me. Social distancing. Where they're gonna take the pictures and we'll go through them and we'll get them as best as we can. We'll do a listing agreement, just sign it and we'll put it up. We'll put it on the market. Now people may not be able to to see it, but if you check if agents and broken check their views on Zillow on Realtor on their own, MLS views were going up tremendously. So if you can start promoting that home, Hey, look. As things get better, you can send a photographer over there to take the chip to take that to take the real pictures or if you need to make a price adjustment when people can actually see it. Great. There are people today doing contract sight unseen with a condition that they get to see the house. You know when when you're able to do that, that is people that have listings. If you don't have listings in, you need business. It's it's quantifying qualifying your questions in your hand and your your your discussions right doing it basically on on Facebook on Instagram, where you're actually giving giving information and giving good stuff out. And there's so many ways to do it on so many things you can do. But one of the things you need to do is mostly on a business page right now. Because if you do it out of personal page with everything going on, you're gonna sound more like you're selling and you don't want to sell, right? So you want to be You want to be that information hub for your community you want you want to connect and communicate with with local businesses, You know, because it was there, they're the ones that are getting hurt. The most is far as those types of businesses, and we are too. But you want to connect with people in terms of, you know, Is there anything I can help you with? Is there, uh, you know, do you need me to help you get your message out there through social media? I'd be glad to help you with that. So that way you could help local business part of part of what we're working on. What we're doing today.

spk_0:   28:43
Yes, I think right now is such a great time because, you know, some agents have said, Well, I can't market at all I can't do anything, because then it will be seen as taking advantage of the situation. Or, you know, um, taking advantage of a crisis. Well, I mean, there's a right and a wrong way to do that. You should always take advantage of opportunities ahead of you, but how do you do it? Um, I think that there's such an opportunity for agents who are already seen as leaders in the community, Or they should be, um it's some are some art to be the lighthouse in the storm. To be at your neighborhood level, I don't mean your city. I don't mean your town, your neighborhood to just be the resource. Tell people Hey, I found toilet paper and paper towels over this store or Hey, this place is open. You know, uh, from 9 to 11 in the morning for seniors, Or just be that resource in share news and and put it into perspective to based on your perspective and be that lighthouse for your neighbors. Forget about getting business from it. The crazy thing is, when you help, you will.

spk_1:   29:48
Yeah. The first thing you need to take away from your thought is to get business from it. If you can separate that and that's honestly is difficult for a lot of people. Yes, you have to spit at them. Make that that social separation, so to speak, that social distancing with social separate. And if you did this internal business, you'd be a lot better off and separate yourself from the outcome, right for yourself from that check. But a lot of people that I mean, look, it's right now. It's human nature. It always has been. But separate yourself from the check and and just be nice and do something for someone. That's what we've been pushing in, what we've been doing here.

spk_0:   30:28
Social media is so powerful, and I feel like we've been training for this period of time, our whole careers, you know, or at least since Social Media came out, we've been training by doing video by doing post and figuring out how to write them in a way that gets attention and being more concise with our messaging, we can now use that for such good out of a neighborhood level, because it like you, like you said earlier, which blows my mind. New York has said no more cold calling until, like September.

spk_1:   31:02
September 7th Hurt. What

spk_0:   31:04
a weird, arbitrary number Exactly. I mean, heaven forbid you start on September 6th. You know, it's just weird, but that doesn't mean that you're dead in the water you could be putting out and should be posting on social media. Ah, lot more because people are on their news feeds Maur than ever right now. But that doesn't mean you should be selling shit doesn't mean you should be pushing, because then you have just seen his tone deaf and insensitive. So, uh, I agree that you have to remove this thought of I'm doing this to get business, you have to remove that from your consciousness. That is an exercise in and of itself. It took me years to figure that out, especially when you're in a period of time where, um finances air stressed. And there's uncertainty about when you're where your income is going to come from. Do you have any tips for that? How can agents come from a place of contribution? Be that neighborhood leader, that lighthouse in the storm, even if they're having their own storm financially within the four walls of their own home. How can they do that?

spk_1:   32:13
So I'm gonna give you a strange answer, OK? I just want to prepare you for that. It's a strange answer. Yeah. Those of you that have had relationships with, um it's called a significant other or romantic relationship. Remember how you started dating? Okay. Think about dating. And what? You mean this? Let's face it. I mean, you meet somebody. You want to ask them out, you ask them out, you go out of date. You're talking, trying to get to know each other. And your goal in the long run is to impress them. So a lot of times, it takes a couple of months for the real you to come out. I want to get to those couple of months. I was not for me. It was three months, right? But if I was with somebody for three months, had a shot, you know? So So it tastes very much for the real you to come out. What? The real you to come out now and I want you to I want you to be nice to people. I want you to think that you just started dating them, but I want the real you to come out and have your heart show. Think people men think with their heads. Women think with their hearts. I want the men to get out of their heads a little bit and into their hearts. I want the women just keep thinking with their heart and be the people that they are because they're the ones making the decision when buying houses. Why? Because they're making it with their hearts. We need to get out of our heads and into our hearts and also very, very important. Cut out the judgment completely. Don't judge people don't because everybody you know what crap you're going through in this shit you've got to deal with. Believe me, they've got it too. So let's so if we take that idea, it'll take that right out of your head and say, How can I help?

spk_0:   33:47
I Yes, I I found that to tell me if you agree with this, Okay? So people need a leader. People need you know that that lighthouse. But how do you even get to the point where they see you as such? Um, I feel like right now, because literally, and we were kind of talking before before we started recording. Literally every single one of us at every level is dealing with fear and stress and uncertainty. Right now, those true leaders are the ones that are able to deal with that and and put it aside or harness it or or act in spite of it. Those are those are the ones that are really going to do well. And so, if you're wondering if you're like Look, I I don't know where my how I'm gonna pay my bills next month. I don't know how I'm going to get food for my family next week. Um, we're worried about this. That and the other. How am I supposed to be a leader in my own neighborhood? Just remember, when you show that heart on your sleeve, you become relatable and people I think people will see you as more of a leader because you're dealing with the same shit they are. You're just willing to stand up in spite of it and and lead. It's not that you're above it. It's not that you're not dealing with that stuff is that you're dealing with the same stuff, if not worse, and you're still standing up to be helpful. You're still standing up and saying, Can I go to the store for you? Do do you need to run to the pharmacy? Do you? What do you need? You know, does your dog need to be walked? Uh, if you do that in spite of all the shit going on in your own life, people will see you as a leader. Would you Would you agree with that?

spk_1:   35:31
Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, one of the things that happened around here was one of the supermarket chains overs up from 6 a.m. to 7 30 for people 60 plus, um,

spk_0:   35:41
because they're up at 4 a.m. anyways. Yeah,

spk_1:   35:43
exactly. Right. So it's not all of it that I am taking advantage of. Yes, I am 60 plus, but that's okay. I'm taking a

spk_0:   35:50
great time to be 60 plus.

spk_1:   35:52
Yeah, that's what I said to one of the guys in the store yesterday. I said, you know what? I'll take it.

spk_0:   35:57
You like skipping down the aisles, doing push ups while you're waiting,

spk_1:   36:01
I I'm going. I'm going to work out. I mean, anyway, So, yes, you know, it's it's It's once you once you separate yourself and see what you can do for somebody else and actually do it. Oh, that's I mean, that's big one. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna tell other people to stand up and help people and go out. If you see someone in a parking lot, like maybe a senior and say, Can I Can I take your list to go do this for you? Right. Maybe do that. Or even when you're in the store by its and flowers and the first person you see outside when you get to your car, go give it to them.

spk_0:   36:37
That's cool. Let's go.

spk_1:   36:40
And I will probably do that tomorrow. I mean, it's great for them, but it really helps you to

spk_0:   36:48
It changes your state. And that's so important right now with because again, we're all dealing with fear and uncertainty. Um, I mean, total disclosure. I am. While I'm extremely optimistic. And while I'm excited about all the opportunities that are available right now, uh, it still freaks me out. I have kids, you know. I have two young kids. I have a wife. Um, you know, I worry about family members that, like my dad, works for Delta. My dad works for Delta right now. And, you know, my mother in law is a hairdresser. Um, I worry about them and what life's gonna look like three months from now. So I deal with all that, too. Um, but when when you unconsciously realized that you're going into a place of negativity or fear or uncertainty your stress and change your state, whether that's just turning your phone off, going to take a break, going on a walk, going to play with your kids, knock something off your to do list so you feel productive. But doing something nice for somebody else is, to me, that is the most powerful thing there. It's it really is like when it's so stupid, you know, with the mindset of what life was like two months ago, but giving a four pack of toilet paper to my son's kindergarten teacher. That's huge. It made her day. She damn near cried and the feeling I had like i everything. Every bit of stress I had was gone and I was able to step forward with, um is from a better place like that We're gonna have to do that multiple times per day right now.

spk_1:   38:29
Yeah, and and I'm gonna bet that everyone listening desire will listen to this. And everybody we know know someone who might need our help and has their phone number. Hey, just text him say, hey, hey, do you need me at the store? I gotta go later. Could I pick you something up? Or, um, you know, do you need help with anything you need help with anything around the house that you know, that's outside or whatever you know. So it's we have an opportunity to turn to turn our business so, so much better than what it was. We have an opportunity to be so human. Um, not that not that Use that word in, You know, in that way, just to say that we've had opportunities to really be great, great people. And, you know, our society has gotten so callous to so many things, we have an opportunity to change that. And I hope I hope we do. I know. I mean, I honestly, I like to say that I've always been that way, but there's so many people out there that you know, they they they think they think that, you know, they don't need to do that, or they don't want to do that. Well, you know what? It's a part of life, and it makes it makes everything better, Everything better. And we have an opportunity to do that.

spk_0:   39:40
But we really d'oh! I really feel like for those of us that that are able to gut this thing out and make moves during the craziness take, take this time to launch a podcast. If it's something that you've wanted to do and it's on your list, do it right freaking now like we can. You know there's resource is to help you do it in order to figure it out, start doing videos, start whatever anything, uh, you know, we have this opportunity now and you're right. We we can do such good in our communities and that will in turn grow our businesses. You just have to trust that that will happen. You know, if if the community sees you as someone who was a helper and and ah, a lighthouse through I keep using that analogy. But a lighthouse through the storm. Once things do rebound everyone's going to see you favorably. Do you think that's gonna benefit your business? Of course, when all of a sudden they see a Facebook ad from you or ah mailer or a door hanger or something? Well, they're like, Oh, my God, this this person in the neighborhood there, they're a real estate agent. Wow. But they see you favorably. And during the whole thing, they had no idea, no idea what you did for a living. It's gonna help. You

spk_1:   40:55
know, I think I think one of the things that people were saying and the difficulty they might have with what we're suggesting they do is how do you do that? Because everybody's like shut ins now and people go into the store. No one wants to talk to you. They want to keep that six foot distance. I just Well, everybody know that. I look I know this is not a time to go out spending a lot of money, but there's there's There's ways has been just a couple of bucks to get known in your area, and that's we can use. I mean, you can use different things on social media, but one of the things that I will start using tomorrow is I'll be using what's called engagement at's right up they're late that they were not his expensive. You're not asking for anything. And basically, what you're doing is you're getting people to be aware of. You know, Grant wise, good friend of mine, what happens to his birthday? Uh, on the 23rd is big and making sure that you were, you got people aware of you and then aware of that, they wanted something to buy or yourself and that you were the person they used. So if you do postings, you know there's a lot of different methods to do it that you can find out about their and also engagement as aren't expensive at all. And I think that's one way to do it. If you wanted to spend a couple of bucks because you don't know how to get out to the community,

spk_0:   42:08
I completely agree. And, um, I've So when this comes out, I will already have done a virtual summit for Travis Tom's group about retargeting video, abs, Facebook, video re targeting ads and how it's such an amazing opportunity for the reasons you just explained awareness and less competition. Your competitors, they're not spending money. Uh, so you spend a few 100 bucks or 50 bucks here and there, take a course, hire a coach like now is the time to take advantage and do and and you're gonna be men. You're gonna grow so much so during during this time. Right now, David, we obviously have different tools available. We know back in, back after 9 11 or 08 or nine. Most of us wouldn't be talking about retargeting video ads on Facebook. What did you What are some of the things specifically that you did during the shift within your business, marketing wise, that that helped or already been things that you didn't do that you look back and you're like, Damn it, I wish I would have just taken advantage of that thing. What are some of those things that we can probably look forward to now?

spk_1:   43:22
Well, I mean, I think I think back in those days, that was a wayto 9 10 This things started going back. I mean, um, you had you had paper click stuff. You had Facebook ads which were just starting, which is kind of when I started getting into them and 12 years ago, I guess, and video on. Oddly enough, I mean, I started doing video about that time around 08 and I remember my 1st 1 of my first videos I did at my desk, and as a joke I was. I was talking about how to build your business, and I had a piece of cardboard and I held up that had a sign on it. Instead, Broker will work for food, you know, and it was like it was a joke and it went over really well. It's funny, but, you know, as I started doing video I started, I started getting out there and making and building relationships with people in the in the local communities. Not only just not only people, but also, you know, the politicians in town and the different people out there that that could could make change. It could make things better, so I got more. I wasn't I was involved for years and then stopped being involved. So I got involved with with the mayor and the mayor's Committee for community Relations and stuff, and it was it was it was very good because it helped me get my company out there as well. You can do this as an individual now, granted, with what we've got today, we've never seen anything like this before. Where yours? I use the phrase again Shut in. But you know, the way to do that is is really not that difficult this way. So I'm gonna teach you how to get involved in community really easily. If you just search your town on Facebook and put groups after it, look for the groups that are involved in your town. You may know this already, but if you go to groups and begin interacting there, you're not selling your commenting. You're interacting. And as time goes on, is one of these I work on in my visit with people, you need to know if you need to build more of a base. This is how you would do it. Because then you can also you start communicating with people, they're interacting. They will in in time. Also, you become friends on Facebook and you become friends in the community as well. So working in groups in your community is one thing you can do that is free. Eunice need to spend the time and gate. That's one thing we've got now. So if you tell me you don't have the time, it's going to really solidify the reason you're saying that The reason just saying that is you just don't want to. So, you know, yeah. If you have a desire to build your business and just say, Screw this, I'm not gonna let anything get to me. You know, that's what you gotta do. That's one of the things you can do that's free.

spk_0:   46:05
Yes, I think there's also a huge opportunity to just share good news, share the good things people are doing in the community. Look like right now people are looking for a central source at the neighborhood level, the community level that they can tune into because I don't see a whole lot going on with leaders in communities, leaders in neighborhoods, I see cities and towns, but not not the neighborhood level. So just share the good stuff happening that you know. So this store just donated supplies to the hospital or, you know, this this restaurant, the drive thru still open and they just donated, you know, 200 meals to first responders or whatever, like share that stuff and do it on a regular basis. When you do that stuff and it's not about real estate, it's not about 10 tips for listing a house during the Corona virus or, you know, whatever, um, and don't do that. By the way, Uh, when when you do those things, people in your community share it with their neighbors. They share it with their friends and their family, and they tag each other in it because you're not the realtor, You're the community leader, You're the helper. You're the resource for that community. And it is just the tools we have available. As long as you get this subjects and the topics the substance, right, you can make an impact and win big in a very big way. Um, from it all, it's just, man, it's really exciting when you think about about it that way,

spk_1:   47:35
it really is. And when one of the things I've seen is, um I was I was making a joke about about Facebook, right? I call it fake book. Yeah, and And when I talk about that, I always say, Can we please make turn Facebook from fake book into a real book. And honestly, what I've seen over the past few days actually seem more real book than fake book. Yeah, posting things to make smiles. People are posting things for interaction. I mean, I know that I've done it and and I just I am amazed at the interaction I've been getting with with Post. I mean, I posted something a little mean with Winnie the Pooh to the actual ability to poop so and the reaction in the shares are amazing. That is also one way where you can make it impact on your on your social community. And you know what people remember and most of the people looking at my stuff are not real estate. It is. They're not all those people out there, they're just they're just friends of mine or our friends that I've known for years and years. I mean, there are people coming out of the woodwork that I haven't talked to in a long time. They're posting on my page. So it is the interaction of building relationships report. And just like I said, start dating, start dating yourself and see how you're gonna make yourself feel

spk_0:   48:54
looking back at the's crashes or recessions or whatever that you've been through. What? That I'll ask it again cause I want, um I want a focused answer. What do you wish you would have done more off? Where did you screw up? What? What did you get wrong or what did you not do? Enough of that. You look back in your damn it. I should have I should have done more of this during that time.

spk_1:   49:17
Honestly, I think the biggest mistake I made was I tried to spend more money. I tried to spend more money where people weren't spending it, thinking I was gonna corner the market on just out of the other thing. On the marketing end of it, I think that was a big mistake. I made you know, one of the things I could have done differently was, um with getting more into the community on be more visible and, um, rally people around me to do the same thing. Um, you know, go out there and and stop into stores and say hello. I mean, I I have ah, person I work with now was that's all he as all he's ever done. And he just he just now what he's doing, is he? Well, he can't do any more, but he was going to three businesses a day, you know, on the outside, and just saying Hey, how you doing? Thanks for doing this. Is there anything I could take? Something, anything, anywhere for you. And I do sitting for you today, you know, And they know him in the community because he's always done that before. So, you know, that's one thing I wish I had done differently. Even though I mean, look, there's gonna be a time when we're able to go back out. These little businesses hopefully will reopen. Hopefully, they're able to reopen. And so that's where you know, in our business is we're gonna be able to grow better. And and oddly enough, it's going to be the 80 20 rule all over again and always will be be the 20. Just be the 20 and go out there and be personable and just be yourself. And you don't worry about spending money. There are ways around. And that was my biggest mistake, and I just I just wish I had been more personal.

spk_0:   50:50
Sure. Uh, yeah. Spending money in and of itself? Not yet. I mean, you could just waste a lot of money if you're doing the wrong stuff or it's not effective. So of course, um, I'm seeing some local agents here in Salt Lake that are rallying their their friends to go buy gift cards at local restaurants or local businesses. Because if you if you don't know yet, gift cards could be one of the best things you could do to support a local business through these tough times because they're getting the income now, and they don't have to deliver this product or service until a later date. So just the fact that you about $100 gift card could and you get others to do it as well. That could help them. Whether the storm, it's not costing them anything. They're getting income now to help pay their employees. Keep the lights on all of that. Gift cards are amazing. Reach out to your favorite local restaurant, your favorite bar, your favorite business. Whatever it is, says some place that you love to g O. Maybe it's a coffee shop and and ask what you can do, and maybe it's sharing their Facebook posts. Maybe it's tagging them and saying, Hey, guys, they're the This company offers gift cards. Um, maybe do a matching thing. Like, you know, for every 50 bucks you spend, all spend 50 or whatever. I'm seeing that. Some other agents do that, and it's really starting some movements locally. And the goodwill that comes from that is incredible. Like they're they're legitimately trying to help and their business and their brand is growing right in front of their eyes. And they didn't even mean to. It's it's wild. So, um, do good,

spk_1:   52:34
do good for others, you know, help people, you know, like it's funny. I I talked to Ah, my accountant company owner of the email recently, and I on bottom of my of my email of the signature. It says, I just want to help people. So he sends me email. Thank you so much for communicating with man talk to in such a long time. He's just tell me more about your bottom line. I just want to help people, which is really an interesting question simply was that that's all I want to do. I mean I have Never. I have never thought about money or me first, and I never will. And, um because I know if if if if it's gonna come, it's gonna come. Um, So I I said, I mean, I could just say I just want to help people. That's what I want to do.

spk_0:   53:19
I love it. Ah, but before we wrap it up, is there any anything missing any any or any guidance or wisdom that you've gleaned over the years? Um, from going through market shifts, that okay, for, let's say, brand new agents or agents that have only been in the business for a couple of years, they're still trying to get their feet under them. And now all of a sudden, like the ground shifts from under them like it did literally here in Utah last Wednesday with our 5.7 earthquake. That was wild. Yeah, it was nice because no one no one even talked about the Corona virus for 24 hours. I was nice. Um, what advice do you have for a brand new agent or or someone who's just, you know, they're still green. How do they get through this? You know, What else do they need to know?

spk_1:   54:06
So you need to You need to notice all the things that you're a mentor or broker or a manager or telling you to do in teaching you and training you on. And you need to look at those skills such as I mentioned that the sphere of influence. A lot of agents don't do it. They wonder why they can't build the business. And I'm not talking about just fear of influence. I'm talking about something that I work on all the time with people, and I I've always been a little bit different from people. So everything that I do is a little bit different, and I push agents to do what others won't do with others refused to do it. I call it the art of differentiation, Right? So basically, is a new agent do the things that don't sound, you know, like they're easy to do. We're in a we're in a time of opportunity and I mean, we're the time up today, said earlier, to be better people. But when we have issues like this and there's a lot of fear and you have to take that fear and then try to figure out what are your options to beat that fear. What are your options to actually advance yourself? Work to get out of maybe maybe a state? Maybe, Maybe, maybe it's just you're in a funk. Or maybe you need more business and you just asked me in the question. What should they do right down the heart of the action steps? You can take what your options are and then look at the options and take. If you have 20 things written down, take 5% and the best 5%. And look at that fight that 20% Scuse me 20% and then we'll look at that and see how you can work with that and then see where the opportunity is in those three or four things that you like that you can do and take advantage of that opportunity in the market, in your business, not up people, but in your business, and do what others will refuse to do. Take that next step. If you think you've gone far enough, you haven't go next. That's basically what I was doing. I hope that was succinct enough and specific in you know it, Sze working with people and doing if it's video video of this sphere of influence, do that. But the point is, is that you really need to do what you've been trained to do and use the opportunity that's out there because this will make you this. This will make you, ah, much more successful agent this time, if you choose to work, that's first. And you said you said do the shit earlier. This is what they need to do. They need to do the work in order to see the opportunity and opportunities open up more and more for them as they start doing it. So just be fastidious and what you're doing work. Look, if you've got to set yourself up a schedule, however, the number one thing now which we all are good at, set a schedule for yourself. If that's 8 to 5, that's 88 whatever it iss right. And if you get like you need to walk away, walk away, take a walk, you know, whatever I mean, But set yourself a schedule and work. You might wanna over six days a week to make it easier for you because if you have, if you have down time, you're gonna want to do stuff that used to do, and you can't. So that's that's really what happened. Say

spk_0:   57:07
I love it, David. Every every time we have a guest on, we do some rapid fire questions. Let people get to know you a little bit better. I want to run through those with you and then, um, give you a chance to tell people where they can find you. Or they can connect with you and so pick either or one of the other. You don't need to elaborate if you don't want to. Um And then I'm gonna ask you for the most impactful book you ever read in a recommendation for an app. Your favorite apse right now. Facebook or instagram Facebook, Facebook are linked in Facebook. Books or podcasts, books, podcasts or audio books, Podcasts, iPhone or android iPhone. Good cop. Alexa. A Google home likes it. New York or L. A New York burgers or pizza

spk_1:   58:11
man. That's a tough one.

spk_0:   58:13
That's the one. The burger to beat a big one. Man, you gotta choose. She's sorry, mister. Yeah, cool NFL or N B. A. NFL pro or college sports, college mountains or beach

spk_1:   58:35
shit. Another tough one each.

spk_0:   58:37
Podcasting or blogging, Logging, YouTube or Facebook? Live Facebook. Live uber or lift over Gary V or Grant Cardone. Garrity. What's the most impactful book you've ever had? Start with why I was Simon cynic. Yeah, love it. And then give us a recommendation for an app that you that you've recently downloaded you've recently become obsessed with does not have to be business related at all.

spk_1:   59:10
Um, yeah, that's it. That's another tough question. I don't know where my phone is, but, uh, uh, I'm probably the sea. Um, I tell you what, It's not a recent one. It's something I used with groups that I'm working with. I just I just started working with It's It's really a simple We've been around for years and years and years. I didn't just download it. I think it has the best use because it's because it's nature's. What's up? I mean, if you're not doing what I have to get together with people, I think that's an easy way to do it rather than doing any other ways. I've been using it a lot with agents. I work with with with church groups and people I'm trying to organize to get going. And honestly, uh, it's I use it all the time all of the time and you can It's a lot easier to use than then texting or anything like that. I love that I've been used. I know, I know. That's a simple one. Probably. We're looking for something different, but that's that's what I've been using.

spk_0:   1:0:13
Oh, that's interesting because I know what's whats. APP is a monster. I've never used it. I have never downloaded it, never used it. I don't think I know anyone besides you who does use it Well, I'm sure I'm wrong about that. But

spk_1:   1:0:24
that one I started using when my daughters were overseas it in Europe. But but another good one. Another good one that that really people should look into his boxer.

spk_0:   1:0:34
Yes, I love Boxer, but Box was incredible, in fact, for for our massive agent society, the coaching program, that's something that I want to incorporate in. As as an extra benefit for members is a Boxer Channel boxer group. Um, for you guys that don't use Boxer First off? No, this it's buggy is shit. Sometimes I don't know about you, but it drives me nuts with the little buggy nous, but it's still one of my favorite APS for communication. You could do voice messages for as long as you want. You're not cut off in a minute, like on messenger and Instagram message, um, gifts, videos, texting, photos and the voice. It's it's incredible that you could do groups, so I'm a big fan of Boxer.

spk_1:   1:1:17
So So I haven't I have a rapid fire question for you when I know how I purport is for you, but, uh, Starbucks or Duncan

spk_0:   1:1:24
Starbucks? Dunkin sucks, at least in Utah. So here's what's weird. Um, we didn't even get Dunkin Donuts in Salt Lake until I want to sit. She's now. I'm having a hard time judging time within the last 10 years, I want to say, like, five or six years ago, we got Dunkin Donuts here, and I remember, like when I went to Florida, other times that I've been out of Utah, that I've gone to Duncan and I was like, This place is incredible, mainly the food. I don't really remember the coffee, but I was like this place is incredible. I'd love to get him Still a big Starbucks fan. I always will be. But we when we got Dunkin here, the franchise company that owns all the Duncan franchises, they botched the rollout so bad people were waiting an hour for, like, a frickin turkey sausage sandwich. And not because it was that busy, but just the system was just jacked up. Orders were not coming through. It was weird. And then it didn't taste very good. It was. I don't know what it is, but there's a lot of Duncan's here that have gone out of business that locations that have actually closed in the last five or six years.

spk_1:   1:2:32
Think about Duncan. Is they Actually all people don't know this. They actually used to make everything on site. Really? And they don't do that anymore. Oh, yeah, Up until about probably 10 15 years ago, everyone can make their own doughnuts. There was a commercial, you know, a really good commercial time to make the doughnuts. It was this old, short, fat guy. Looks like Danny DeVito, and I'm gonna make the dose of get a mustache and that he was getting up like two o'clock in the morning to go to his Dunkin Donuts and make the tongue that make the doughnuts. Right now there's, like, regional bakeries that, like, like, like, just manufacture these doughnuts to get out there. Yeah, I Honestly, the food's not that good, but what Starbucks does your food is a lot better, in my opinion. Yeah. So I'm a Starbucks, guys. Well,

spk_0:   1:3:17
yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, I man Duncan and Utah like nobody goes. Nobody goes. It's bizarre. Um, cool, David, Thank you so much. Where can people find you if they want to connect with you and and, uh, see what else you're working on?

spk_1:   1:3:32
Well, they can find me on Facebook. It David finale was my personal pays and also real estates. Go, Bill, it's a group. Or you can go to real estate skill builder programs dot com and check out see what I got going on there. But all of my personal information is on my personal page. I am not secret. My email is there on my personal cell phone number's there so you can reach out to me from just going to Facebook, and it's spelled f a N a. L e not the other way. Um, but that's one way to look at. It's not the grand finale is the grand finale.

spk_0:   1:4:04
Love the finale. I I totally botched the pronunciation. I called you from now on the Facebook live I did earlier. Um, in fact, let me let me pull that up and see if anyone has any questions for you. Don't. I think I hit him all. Yeah, we'll wrap it up. Thank you so much, man. I appreciate it. It's gonna be very interesting to see what happens over the next couple of months with all this. But I appreciate you sharing your wisdom and your perspective that you've you've earned over the years. Um, going through all the craziness. So we'll see what happens, my friend

spk_1:   1:4:35
of Jack's Just add value. I hope I did that today for everybody.

spk_0:   1:4:38
No doubt. No doubt. Thank you so much, guys. I hope you found that as beneficial as I did. Super empowering, Super informative. And look, he's survived 40 years of ups and downs in our industry. Lots of different things. The rise of technology. And here's what's cool about David. I mean, he has a Facebook live show. He is usually the 40 year veterans that you meet there. They're like we're in their name tag and they still like, Should I get on the Facebook? You know, here's my business card like That's not David. He has a Facebook live show. He's very He does all the same online marketing stuff that I do. He's He's incredible. There's no wonder he's winning. There's no wonder that he's stayed ahead of the curve for this long. And, um, you know, a year from now, when you look back at this crisis, he's gonna be someone who's still standing strong. So, um, thank you, David, for being on the show, really, really appreciate it. And thank you for sharing everything that you have guys. Remember, if you have not yet go to massive agent podcast dot com slash 10 x webinar 10 x webinar Register for the free retargeting weapon, or that I'm doing 100% free on Tuesday, March 31st at noon Eastern time. And if you cannot make it live, no worries register anyways, and we'll send you the replay link as soon as that's available. About an hour after the live ends and you can watch it at your own leisure. So thank you. Please subscribe to the show if you haven't yet, and if you have received value. If you like the show, if you learn something, if there's something that you found valuable today, please share this with a colleague. Send a link tag US Online. Sheridan. Your instagram stories. You know, Send an email to your team, your brokerage, whatever. Please help us share the good word and reach more agents. Especially now at this time. I feel like today's interview needs to be heard by every agent out there because there's a lot of agents throwing their hands up. A lot of agents worried and scared. I know some of you are, and I am, too, to a certain extent, but I'm also excited as hell about the opportunities that are at our feet right now. You just have to do it. You just have to do this stuff and lean into it and trust that that it's going to recover. It's going to be fine. We're all going to get through this and thrive if you're playing offense, so thank you guys so much. Appreciate you go sell some homes. Go close from loans. Stay safe. Wash your damn hands, Stay inside. So you guys next week?