Massive Agent Podcast

The Happiest Person in Real Estate w/ Katie Clancy

Dustin Brohm Episode 168

Happy real estate agents exist, guys. It's not an oxymoron. YOU can learn to find happiness as a Realtor too.

Our guest and I go way back. Back to my first days on Snapchat as a Realtor, which was early 2016. I met Katie Clancy on Snapchat, and I immediately was drawn to her, but I didn't know why. Before long, it became obvious.

She was just so damn happy all the time, and it was contagious! Katie was always, and I mean always, smiling, laughing, making jokes, having a good time... while building a pretty damn successful real estate team in Cape Cod, MA.

And the more I got to know Katie, the more I noticed her success grow and grow. But then I began to hear her story of some of the lowest times in her life, the struggles that no one really sees. Stuff that if Katie quit real estate for good, we'd all understand. But she didn't quit. She kept going, and moving forward.

But as you'll hear today, Katie's success is a direct result of her CHOICES and her attitude every single day, for years at a time.  Every Realtor out there struggles with the stress and emotion that comes with being a real estate agent. Every one.

I believe this week's show is the road map for every Realtor out there to find happiness in themselves, even while working in one of the most tumultuous professions out there. 

Connect w/ Katie Clancy:
Instagram (The Cape House)

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