Massive Agent Podcast

Creating the Lifestyle YOU Want as a Realtor w/ Neil Mathweg

Dustin Brohm Episode 176

It's sad, really. Most real estate agents design their lives around their work, rather than designing your work around your ideal life. I get it, I did this for most of my career. I feel like most Realtors do because they don't know any other way. They're looking up to a mentor or team leader who may be selling a bunch of homes, but doesn't have a life that is worth emulating.

Most agents just keep following the same path, trying to increase production and increase numbers, and when they're successful in that, their personal lives suffer. Their family life suffers. They end up working so many hours that they barely have a life outside of work, let alone the life they WANT.

One agent who is doing it right is Neil Mathweg. As you'll hear on this episode, Neil made some big, bold decisions to sell everything they owned, and live full time in an RV. Basically they live wherever the hell they feel like living!

The best part if that he's still selling homes! He's growing a GREAT real estate team back in Madison, WI and a few other states, and making more money than before. All while living the life that he WANTS for himself and his family.

It starts with defining what it is you want your life to look like. This episode will help you start moving in that direction. 

Connect w/ Neil Mathweg:

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