Community in Arabic
Welcome to Community in Arabic podcast; with Malek & Anwar - the podcast celebrating successful Arabs in North America. Join us as we bring you the stories of inspiring Arabs who have made it big in various fields, from business to arts, science, and technology.
In each episode, we sit down with a prominent Arab guest and have a fun and informative conversation about their life, career, and the challenges they faced along the way. You'll hear their personal stories, Immigration journey and learn from their experiences and success.
So, whether you're an Arab or simply interested in learning more about the community, "Community in Arabic" is the podcast for you. Tune in to our conversational, informative, and fun episodes with Malek and Anwar, and join us in celebrating the success of Arabs in North America.
Community in Arabic
Dr. Hassan Nemeh - Head of Division of Cardiac Surgery, and Surgical Director of thoracic & Organ Transplant at Henry Ford Health System.
We highlight successful stories of Arab Americans and Arab Canadians who positively impact the community. Sponsored by Lipton Yellow Label.
In this episode, we chat with Dr. Hassan Nemeh.
Dr. Nemeh is the Head of Division of Cardiac Surgery, and Surgical Director of thoracic & Organ Transplant at Henry Ford Health System.
Dr. Nemeh finished his residency at Wright State University, and fellowship in Heart Transplant at Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Nemeh performed the first double lung transplant in patient after vaping related injury. (https://www.henryford.com/news/2020/0...)
Hosts: Anwar Jebran and Malek Abdulsamad.
Music (Special Cover): https://www.basselmusic.com/
Please visit our website, and follow up on social media and watch us on Youtube:
Hosts: Anwar Jebran & Malek Abdulsamad.
Website: https://communityinarabic.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CommunityinA...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/communityin...