The Stoic Jew

Musings on OpenAI in Light of Stoic and Jewish Concepts of the Soul (Aurelius – Meditations 2:2,17; 3:16)

Rabbi Matt Schneeweiss Season 10 Episode 12

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Synopsis: I don’t know about anyone else, but I have been FASCINATED with OpenAI GPT – the latest incarnation of an artificial intelligence chatbot which (for now) is freely available for the public at large. I’ve been equally parts amazed and horrified by its capabilities and their implications, despite never being interested in AI in the past. Since I’m still in the “honeymoon phase” of this interest, I figured I’d record my initial thoughts. I didn’t have much of a game plan going into this episode, but it ended up being a discourse on the Stoic and Jewish conceptions of the soul (as explained by Marcus Aurelius and Sforno, respectively) and a reflection on how the technological progress in AI will prove to be beneficial for our conception of what makes us human. 

- OpenAI GPT chatbot:
- Aurelius, Meditations 2:2,17; 3:16
- Sforno on Bereishis 1:26-27
The Torah content for the month of Kislev has been sponsored by Serena and Paul Koppel, who want to be makir tov and express gratitude.
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