Live Your Yoga

Creating Kids Yoga Stories with Giselle Shardlow

Your Yoga Flow Season 3 Episode 3

Welcome to the Live Your Yoga Podcast!

Our guest for this episode is Giselle Shardlow. Giselle is the author of Kids Yoga Stories. Her Yoga books for kids get children learning, moving and having fun. Giselle draws from her experience as teacher, traveler, yoga practitioner and mum to write the stories found at The purpose of Giselle's books is to foster happy, healthy, and globally educated children.

In this episode of the podcast Giselle talks with Juan about her creative process and shares some background behind her work.

To find out more about Giselle:
Website: Kids Yoga Stories
Instagram: @kidsyogastories

Resources mentioned by Giselle in this episode:

The Yoga of Max’s Discontent: A Novel, by Karan Bajaj

How Yoga Works, by Geshe Michael Roach

Breath, by James Nestor

Easy Meditations for Grownups (physical or digital):

Giselle's teacher is Katie Rose (she’s British, but lives in Australia).

Her website:

Her upcoming Bhakti Women Summit is Feb 4-5, signup is here: (Giselle's affiliate link)

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