Talk Ten Tuesdays

Are HIM Coding Professionals Qualified to Query for Clinical Validity? Part III

Chuck Buck | Timothy Powell, CPA | S. Diane Iverson, RN | Debra Beisel Denton | Anny Pang Yuen | Erica Remer, MD

During the sultry summer of 2018, a Talk Ten Tuesday listener asked if whether seasoned coding professionals were sufficiently trained and competent to interpret clinical terms and concepts from medical records. So the editorial team here at ICD10monitor published a story on the topic on July 17, 2018. Debra Beisel Benton, who at the time was working at Maricopa Integrated Health System as the HIM System Coding Educator, wrote the story. The topic solicited many comments, creating a contentious debate. 

Now, one year later Talk Ten Tuesday checks in with Anny Pang Yuen who wrote a follow-up article for ICD10monitor in August of last year. Returning to the broadcast will be Debra Beisel Benton. 

What changes have taken place since last year? How are AHIMA and AAPC responding to this debate? During the next edition of Talk Ten Tuesday, you’ll hear the very latest on this contentious issue when both Yuen and Beisel Benton report our lead story. 

The live broadcast will also feature these other segments:

  • Tuesday Focus: S. Diane Iverson, a case manager at a major teaching hospital in Baltimore, reports on The Gravity Project as it relates to the social determinants of health (SdoH).

  • News Desk: Timothy Powell, compliance expert, and ICD10monitor national correspondent anchors the Talk Ten Tuesdays News Desk.

  • TalkBack: Erica Remer, MD, FACEP, CCDS, founder and president of Erica Remer, MD, Inc. and Talk Ten Tuesdays co-host, reports on pitfalls of voice recognition.

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