Talk Ten Tuesdays

Helping Transgender Patients Understand their Coverage and Rights

March 10, 2020 Chuck Buck | Holly Louie, RN | Timothy Powell, CPA | Laurie M. Johnson | Stanley Nachimson | Joseph C. Nichols, MD | H. Steven Moffic, MD | Terry Fletcher | Holly Louie, RN Episode 406

There are HIPAA privacy rights that reach farther than those of the average patient. And there are privacy provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that prohibit discrimination against this population of patients.

But do these prevent discrimination against transgender patients? During this edition of Talk Ten Tuesdays, we asked nationally-recognized professional physician coder and auditor Terry Fletcher to report on the insurance policies from state to state on what cannot be automatically excluded.

The podcast also includes these other segments:

  • Special Report: Nationally prominent psychiatrist and author H. Steven Moffic, MD,  returns to the broadcast to report on the intersection of the coronavirus and the rise of racism directed toward Asians and Asian-Americans.

  • The Coding Report: Laurie Johnson has an update on the deadly coronavirus that continues to dominate international as well as domestic news headlines.

  • Tuesday Focus: Data Deep Dive: Dr. Joseph Nichols returns to the broadcast to report his second installment in his exclusive four-part series on healthcare data for ICD10monitor.

  • News Desk: Timothy Powell, compliance expert, and ICD10monitor national correspondent anchors the Talk Ten Tuesdays News Desk.

  • RegWatch: Stanley Nachimson joins the broadcast to break down the OMB review of the CMS and ONC Interoperability rules that were released Monday March 9, 2020.

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