Talk Ten Tuesdays

America in the Grip of an Unrelenting COVID-19 Pandemic

Timothy Powell, CPA | Laurie M. Johnson | H. Steven Moffic | John Foggle, MD, MBA | Erica Remer, MD Episode 436

In the deadly throes of a global pandemic, Americans are struggling as they adjust to a confusing new normal. Halloween this year will portend an actual frightening threat. And America’s traditional Thanksgiving dinner will have an unwanted guest: COVID-19, the elephant in the room.

The coronavirus continues to dominate headlines, family dinner conversations, political debates, congressional hearings, and the news media. During this edition of Talk Ten Tuesdays, providing a physician’s perspective on the novel coronavirus, the disease that causes COVID-19, will be Dr. John Foggle, who returns to the broadcast to share his perspective. It’s a perspective earned from his consulting with the World Health Organization (WHO) in the South Pacific in January and February, then returning to the U.S. to treat COVID patients in the Northeast.

The live broadcast will also feature these other segments:

  • Mental Health Report: H. Steven Moffic, MD, an award-winning psychiatrist who has specialized in the cultural and ethical aspects of psychiatry, returns to the broadcast in the first of a two-part series, reporting on medicine, politics, and healthcare. A prolific writer and speaker, Moffic received the one-time designation of being a Hero of Public Psychiatry from the Assembly of the American Psychiatric Association in 2002.

  • News Desk: Timothy Powell, compliance expert and ICD10monitor national correspondent, anchors the Talk Ten Tuesdays News Desk.

  • The Coding Report: Laurie Johnson, senior healthcare consultant for Revenue Cycle Solutions, LLC, reports on the latest coding news.

  • TalkBack: Erica Remer, MD, founder and president of Erica Remer, MD, Inc. and Talk Ten Tuesdays co-host, report on another thought-provoking topic that has captured her attention.

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