Talk Ten Tuesdays

Vaccination Nation, Part IV – The Distribution Bottleneck

February 23, 2021 Ronald Hirsch, MD | Laurie Johnson | Lynne Comstock, PharmD | Susan Gatehouse | Deb Grider | Erica Remer, MD Episode 450

Infection rates from the coronavirus are declining. Vaccination rates are increasing. And while that’s good news, word on the ground is anything but good. Vaccination distribution in the U.S. has been, by most accounts, uneven, with reports of supplies not keeping up with demand in many states. And this week, a spate of bad weather, particularly in Texas and states across the Southeast, is hampering vaccination efforts – and in some cases, cancelling mass inoculation events.
During the next live edition of Talk-Ten-Tuesdays Susan Gatehouse, founder and CEO for Axea Solutions, and Deborah Grider, senior healthcare consultant for Karen Zupko and Associates, will report on vaccination rates in their respective states: Georgia and Indiana.
It will mark one of several segments making up Part IV of Vaccination Nation, an exclusive series being produced by ICD10monitor for Talk-Ten-Tuesdays. Also during the program, TTT executive producer Chuck Buck and co-host Erica Remer, MD will answer listeners’ questions in real time. Joining them on the program will be Lynne Comstock, who, like Remer, is a volunteer inoculator in Corpus Christi, Texas. Remer is volunteering with the Medical Reserve Corps of the Cuyahoga County Board of Health in Ohio.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has now resulted in more than 110 million cases worldwide, as well as 2.45 million deaths. More than 28 million of those cases and more than half a million deaths have occurred in the U.S. alone.

However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that more than 56 million doses of the vaccine have been administered across the country.

Still, there’s the disturbing trend of vaccine hesitancy. Driven by misinformation, lack of trust, and concerns about safety and efficacy, vaccine hesitancy is considered to be one of the top global health threats, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The live broadcast will also feature these other segments:

  • News Desk: Ronald Hirsch, MD will anchor the Talk Ten Tuesdays News Desk.
  • The Coding Report: Laurie Johnson, senior healthcare consultant for Revenue Cycle Solutions, LLC, will report on the latest ICD-10 codes.

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