Talk Ten Tuesdays

Outsourcing versus Offshoring: Old Issue, New Insights

Timothy Powell, CPA | Laurie Johnson | Stanley Nachimson, MS | Rose Dunn, MBA | Terry Fletcher | Erica Remer MD Episode 464

Outsourcing versus offshoring – a debate long representing a tacit acknowledgment of how many U.S. facilities and physician practices approach coding and billing – has resurfaced as providers grapple with which to choose as the customary way to submit medical claims. Although once considered verboten, today this is more or less becoming mainstream, or the "new normal," with globalization on the horizon.

But should your facility consider outsourcing medical coding and billing – and if you do, how much is actually "off-shored," even if you contract with a U.S.-based company? Do you know who's working for you?

Nationally recognized professional coder, educator, and auditor Terry Fletcher will discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of outsourcing and offshoring as she busts myths and re-examines the reality of contracting rather than keeping coding and billing in-house during the next live edition of Talk Ten Tuesdays.

The live broadcast will also feature these other segments:

  • Coding Report: Laurie Johnson, senior healthcare consultant with Revenue Cycle Solutions, LLC, will have the Talk-Ten-Tuesdays Coding Report, along with the broadcast’s weekly Listeners Survey.

  • Tuesday Focus: HIM Professionals Engaging Physicians (Part III): Rose Dunn will continue with her series on how health information management (HIM) professionals, using their existing skill sets, can enhance physician practices in the outpatient environment. 

  • News Desk: Timothy Powell, compliance expert and ICD10monitor national correspondent, will anchor the Talk-Ten-Tuesdays News Desk.

  • RegWatch: Stanley Nachimson, former Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) career professional-turned-well-known healthcare IT authority, will report on the latest regulatory news coming out of Washington.

  • TalkBack: Erica Remer, MD, founder and president of Erica Remer, MD, Inc. and Talk Ten Tuesdays co-host, will report on a subject that has caught her attention during her popular segment.

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