Finding Your Right Mind — with Vanessa Potter

ParkBathe: Geeking out on Trees. Why forests are SO good for us.

Vanessa Potter Season 3 Episode 3

Today on the ParkBathe podcast Kirsten and I are indulging in our tree-nerd alter-egos! I’ve always liked trees, but learning about forest bathing has given me a new respect for our tall friends. Forest Bathing is all about trees – as you walk mindfully in nature absorbing the atmosphere – it’s the trees that provide that atmosphere.  

Trees have a therapeutic and regenerative effect upon us humans - but it’s more than that, they are part of our ancestral heritage. Trees and plants provide shelter and food for wildlife, absorb carbon dioxide, give us breathable air, moderate temperatures, and lock-up water — reducing flooding. Themassive oaks in the Great North Wood in Crystal Palace Park look pretty cool too. Yet, while weknow nature is central to human life, we often disregard it — and somehow see it as secondary..  

So, check out our weird and wonderful tree facts and hear about the groovy science from our expert interviewees on what trees do for us. We’ll hear how being in nature influences artist Emz Finch and boosts her creativity and the curious way in which trees communicate with each other. If you didn’t know trees talk to each other – we’re going to fill you in on how they do that — and some of the things they say!  

 We'd love to hear what you think of this episode and if you tried out any of the 'tree tips' in the bonus episode (they're fun to do with kids and big kids!) There are lots of links below, along with helpful organisations as today we cover the topic of PTSD and miscarriage. 


Tree Guide

Wood Wide Web film

Marco Mencagli’s book the secret therapy of trees. 

Peter Wohlleben’s book the hidden life of trees 

Stefan Batorijs

Emz Finch

Rachel Massey, Other Ways to Walk

PTSD support 

 Hospital study

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Written and produced by Vanessa Potte

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