Career Strategies for Women that Work

Leaping from Impostor Syndrome to More Self-Efficacy

January 13, 2021 JJ DiGeronimo Season 1 Episode 3

At some point, all women have questioned their value. It has been labeled imposter syndrome, a self-sabotaging condition that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. 

This podcast, Leaping from Impostor Syndrome to More Self-Efficacy, includes career and life strategies. 

Stay tuned to the end, where I include five practical steps toward increasing your self-efficacy. 

 A quick peek: 

I encourage you to think about what you are saying to yourself, especially as it relates to your goals. Are you convincing yourself? Are you not ready, or are you pushing through even though you are afraid?  

Some women and men believe they are pretending to be something they are not, or that their career is a coincidence and not due to their own capabilities. This podcast gives you five easy and realistic steps to help you move away from imposter syndrome to more self-efficacy. The great news, self-efficacy can be learned. 

Since self-efficacy is learned, the more stretching, the faster it will grow. Move from the imposter syndrome and imposter phenomenon to more self-efficacy using the five steps shared in this podcast!

Listen to learn how to start increasing your self-efficacy today.

For all the show notes, visit:

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